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  1. MRevelle83

    Question: Putting XP into Variables

    Thank you! It worked perfectly. If I have any more questions I will post them. :)
  2. MRevelle83

    Question: Putting XP into Variables

    Hello all! A question. It is kind of annoying me as I think it would have an easy solution, but how can you put XP needed to level up as a value in a variable? Putting XP game data into a variable is determined by how much XP a character has, not what the character needs. So if the character...
  3. MRevelle83

    Plugin Request- Menu Shop

    Hello everyone. I am currently working on a project before I move forward to my main one. This (somewhat) smaller one is going well, but I am needing one plugin that I cannot find any existing ones for. I am using money in this game as XP instead, so is there a way I can get a script for being...
  4. MRevelle83


    I put writer in my RM skill, but I suppose I should do jack of all trades? Until the next project I've been working on RM games solo, so I've doing them all. For writing, everything really. Script (as in plot/dialogue) writing... goes along with novel writing when I'm not using RPGM.
  5. MRevelle83


    Hello all, I am MRevelle83. I am new here and to RPG Maker MV, but not to RPG Maker itself. Currently have a project I'm working on in MV and one in VX Ace. There was another major project I was going to to do in VX Ace, but I will be moving development of that into MV. I hope to have more...