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  1. Oshare


    @Cunechan; Haha, yeah, I did both! Thank you! I've never been one of those people who watched Hetalia, sadly enough, although my friends used to be obsessed. Will do! :3 And I think a demo is a long way down the road, oops. ^_^;; @Rise Evil; Thank you! And I'm planning on implementing gameplay...
  2. Oshare

    Remove party window in battle

    Ahh, thank you both!! I did indeed want it completely removed, and this works flawlessly. Thank you! (glad)
  3. Oshare

    Remove party window in battle

    If this has been asked before or if there's an easy solution to this, I apologize - I've been looking everywhere, in support, in plugins, everything, but somehow I just can't seem to do this, and I'm too afraid to edit the main files due to a lack of knowledge and fear of messing up. Basically...
  4. Oshare

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    @Superkoopa Huh. I'm quite a fan of that! I can only wonder how long that must've taken you. D: The latest batch of lightmaps I got done over the day. Hopefully they're less obnoxious and foggy now. Warning for another f-bomb in the second screenshot. //thumbs up
  5. Oshare

    Did you hear about the fight in the train? The ticket got punched.

    Did you hear about the fight in the train? The ticket got punched.
  6. Oshare


    Thank you! I'm glad it sounds interesting. :3 And yeah, I've been on the fence about that as well, but wasn't sure if it really was that bad- But now that you mention it... And I do, but the tint is done through the overlay image. The weird fog wasn't entirely on purpose, so I'll try using the...
  7. Oshare


    Belofte [noun.] Promise or undertaking. A pseudo-horror puzzle game, which mostly revoives around it's characters and the storyline. It features multiple endings depending on your actions and your relationship with the other characters. There's a bad ending, a neutral ending, and a true...
  8. Oshare

    The Very Oshare Gallery

    @Amy: Thank you! Using dark colours a lot is what happens when you've been through an emo phase in high school. //sweats Two tiny updates! [/spoiler]
  9. Oshare

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    @Koopa; I like the simplistic (or rather minimalist?) style. I'm interested in how that would work in-game and what things you could do with it. :D As for my own stuff... Some quick tiny screenshots (one is a gif!) from my game. One of them is from the introduction, the other is further in the...
  10. Oshare

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    [/spoiler] Don't mind the loud, agitated noises you may or may not hear through your screen as I work on these maps. If anyone sees anything to point out, please do. :3
  11. Oshare

    The Very Oshare Gallery

    Ah, that's because I didn't put any kind of page on the forums- It's actually on my deviantArt! And thank you! :3
  12. Oshare

    The Very Oshare Gallery

    @sage; Thank you! And I'll try my best to find some, aha. :3 @Cunechan; Thank you!! I'm glad I at least create the impression the colours are... Colorful? :D Tiny update after a full month(whoops); I've been extremely lazy with drawing this month. Ghh.
  13. Oshare

    The Very Oshare Gallery

    Soooo I added some art! If you're too lazy to scroll up; I also have a commission page now. If you're interested, hmu! :3
  14. Oshare

    Criticizing the fashion sense of all these RPG Maker developers. :^)

    Criticizing the fashion sense of all these RPG Maker developers. :^)
  15. Oshare

    the fashion police has arrived weeoo weeoo

    Shhhh. Time to accept the undies. They're a part of the forum now. Thank you! :D
  16. Oshare

    Need to wait two more days until I can finally, maybe, play Fallout 4... Two more days...

    Need to wait two more days until I can finally, maybe, play Fallout 4... Two more days...
  17. Oshare

    the fashion police has arrived weeoo weeoo

    Haha, yeah you did! No sweat :3 I am currently playing The Cat Lady, SOMA, Undertale, Rift and am preparing for the Fallout 4 hype tomorrow! My favourite games are Afraid of Monsters, Fallout, Skyrim, Viewtiful Joe, Metro 2033, Puyo Puyo(my profile image is from one of them lol) and Devil May...
  18. Oshare

    The Very Oshare Gallery

    Not sure, I haven't checked yet :D But when I have a page up, I'll definitely let you know! Thank you so much!! And I definitely will :3
  19. Oshare

    Ever been arrested?

    Well, you're luckier than I am! There were no cars in my situation at all... Just a lonesome cop on a bike. XC
  20. Oshare

    Ever been arrested?

    The only time I've ever had problems with any kind of law enforcement was because I crossed the street when the light wasn't green. I live an exciting life, I swear.