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Search results

  1. AmazingAvery

    MV: Open & Closed Mailbox + Letter Graphics?

    Here, I made these: Terms are the same as for all my MV resources:
  2. AmazingAvery

    looking for tutorials on how to make your characters bigger

    That's my tutorial probably:
  3. AmazingAvery

    Completed Looking for organic cave tiles (+ environments)

    There are even more, but these are good places to start: Avery's round caves and cliffs #2 Maru's round Ice cave and better cliffs Celianna's round cliffs Sturmfels' round cliffs
  4. AmazingAvery

    Any Modern Sci-fi City Tilesets for MV?

    You give little to no desription what you mean, modern sci fi can be everything between basic modern stuff with some extras to total apocalypse or sci fi. Where have you searched? What did you find? Why did you not like what you found/what is missing? Being impatient does not fulfill a request...
  5. AmazingAvery


    You can always work with placeholders, it is not like a missing graphic is forcing you to stop developing. People are more likely to help if you already achieved something and just that single image needs to be replaced. Also, exclusive sprites are something you barely get for free, especially...
  6. AmazingAvery

    Monsters Character Sprites Actually, nearly all monsters have matching sprites now.
  7. AmazingAvery

    Biscuit/Cookie Graphics?

    Those floating icons are RPG Maker VX Ace Icons, so you will need to own this one to be allowed to use them in MV. I have several cookies in my icon sheet you could easily edit into that format:
  8. AmazingAvery

    Sprites and Horror resources

    For the resources: I highly suggest you to go through the whole MV resource section on Makerweb. Be careful, as linklists do not work at the moment (they are fixing it). There are mansion tiles by PandaMaru, there are many animated objects by me (Avery), but there is so many more and only you...
  9. AmazingAvery

    Thank you x3 Probably because the forum style changed after halloween^^

    Thank you x3 Probably because the forum style changed after halloween^^
  10. AmazingAvery

    Need Resorces to an horror rpg game(with no battles)

    Bougainville has great stuff for a school horror game: I have some animated modern objects and tiles that might fit such a setting, too: Another thread you should check...
  11. AmazingAvery

    Destroyed buildings.

    There's a destroyed giant parallax Tower and a ruin tileset in my resource thread: whtdragon has some great spiderwebs that might come in handy...
  12. AmazingAvery

    Searching for Dragon Resources

    I made a full walking sprite for the RTP Boss Dragon here: Whtdragon has several dragons, mostly smaller ones: You will have a very...
  13. AmazingAvery

    The RMMV Awards? (IDEA)

    No, fair is any game has the same chances. The pre-election aka the nominees is just to avoid that most people don't vote because they had no time to play them all. If you have like two weeks for voting, you can't read all the topics and play all the games. But every game has the equal chance to...
  14. AmazingAvery

    The RMMV Awards? (IDEA)

    That's not fair at all, mostly because the huge projects which took the most time and dedication were not made for a contest with a limited time frame. Additional, those games already won against other games which were made in the same circumstances, there is no need to highlight them a second time.
  15. AmazingAvery

    The RMMV Awards? (IDEA)

    How about nominating games/projects first? By that you have a smaller range of candidates and for that it is possible for people who don't know the nominees yet to play them all / read the whole project thread. It is much easier to last minute test and try 5 games than 25. I would open a thread...
  16. AmazingAvery

    hey there everyone! does anyone have the general helmet

    How could you not find this?? You already found the original creator via google, just search for his page and there it is:
  17. AmazingAvery

    I made myself such a cool halloween avatar... and you don't see it's full beauty next to my...

    I made myself such a cool halloween avatar... and you don't see it's full beauty next to my posts because it's a gif ;_;
  18. AmazingAvery

    Request for enemy images of wild animals

    No. I have one english thread in makerweb and one on a german board. It is already hard enough to keep everything up to date and I rather have two complete threads than starting presenting my stuff on dozens of sites and not being able to take care of them well. Or even create less stuff because...
  19. AmazingAvery

    Request for enemy images of wild animals

    I have made lion, swan, wolf and bunny battlers so far, they can be found in my resource thread:
  20. AmazingAvery

    The one by Bougainville?

    The one by Bougainville?