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  1. Driftwood Gaming

    Particle System in MV?

    Any progress on getting a working particle engine for MV?
  2. Driftwood Gaming

    RPG Maker MV Tutorials are now starting!

    You mean in battle or out of battle? In battle you can use an action sequence and a number of animations to make it work. Out of battle is possible too but that will be much harder to achieve.
  3. Driftwood Gaming

    MV Tutorials Continued

    Hello everyone, in this special request RPG Maker MV I'll show you how to replicate the Final Fantasy "Toad" Effect using two separate plugins. Himeworks' Toggleable States and Rexal's AnimatedSVenemies. You'll learn how to make a skill, make a common event, edit a conditional branch, change...
  4. Driftwood Gaming

    RPG Maker MV Tutorial series

    You can, I would. To free up the spaces for other stuff.
  5. Driftwood Gaming

    RPG Maker MV Tutorial series

    Location is the number that goes before its 'name' so in that last pic you named the variable in location 21 '1' You only need one variable to do the d20 roll, not 20 variables.
  6. Driftwood Gaming

    RPG Maker MV Tutorial series

    Make a common event call it Dice Roll D20: Contents: (optional show animation), Control Variables: (pick any variable location) Operation: SET Operand: Random 1 ~ 20, Show text: You roll a D20 and the number comes up as a \v[7]. change the #7 to the number location that you are using for your...
  7. Driftwood Gaming

    RPG Maker MV Tutorial series

    I think you could make it work without using a common event but that's not how I did the event. I'm not sure why your event isn't working cause I can't see it.
  8. Driftwood Gaming

    RPG Maker MV Tutorial series

    The first thing I would suggest is compare what your event looks like compared to the common event for dice rolling in the video. If you can link a picture of your event I can tell you why it's not working but without seeing it I don't know what is in the wrong spot or missing.
  9. Driftwood Gaming

    RPG Maker MV Tutorials are now starting!

    Hello everyone, in this RPG Maker MV tutorial I'll show you how to make one of my custom Action Sequences. This is an act. seq. for for the Holy Circle Limit break skill for one of my healing classes. This skill restores the HP of all allies and adds two states to the party, Regen and Haste. In...
  10. Driftwood Gaming

    RPG Maker MV Tutorials are now starting!

    Hello everyone, in this RPG Maker MV tutorial I'll show you how to make your own custom tilesets. You'll learn how to apply a filter to a tileset to create different scenes, how to import your tilesets into RPG Maker MV and how to specify what tiles the character can walk over, under and which...
  11. Driftwood Gaming

    Using MIDI Files in MV

    I understand what a midi file is, but I still appreciate your time and effort.
  12. Driftwood Gaming

    $gameVariables.addValue()? Whats the command?

    Sorry, my javascript is so bad you can't even tell what I'm trying to do lol.
  13. Driftwood Gaming

    $gameVariables.addValue()? Whats the command?

    <Post-Damage Eval> if (target.hp <= 0) { var x = $gameVariables.value(70); x = x + 1; $gameVariables.setValue(70, x); } </Post-Damage Eval> <setup action> display action immortal: targets, true </setup action> <target action> if user.attackMotion() !== 'missile' move user: targets...
  14. Driftwood Gaming

    $gameVariables.addValue()? Whats the command?

    How do I say in rm mv java script add a value to this variable? <Post-Damage Eval> if (target.hp <= 0) { $gameVariables.addValue(70, 1); } </Post-Damage Eval> <Custom Parameters> atk = $gameVariables.value(70); </Custom Parameteres> I'm trying to make a sword that does more damage based off...
  15. Driftwood Gaming

    Using MIDI Files in MV

    Online Convert turned my 2minute midi file into a 3 second jumble .ogg. It won't convert it to m4a. Looks like I'll have to get another audio converter app.
  16. Driftwood Gaming

    Using MIDI Files in MV

    Is it possible to use *.mid files for sound in MV? If not, that would be a cool plugin to have. Seeing as I have compiled a large collection of MIDI files since RPG Maker 95.
  17. Driftwood Gaming

    RPG Maker MV Tutorials are now starting!

    Hello everyone, in this special request RPG Maker MV tutorial I'm going to show you how you can recreate the Fafnir Knight effect in Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold. You will learn how to create and call on common events, use the troop event section of the database, manipulate switches and variables and...
  18. Driftwood Gaming

    Type error help, object is not a function

    Even JSLint says my code is good (except for undefined values that are defined in the rm engine). I will try disabling plugins... I do have many enabled... I can make this work fine without using forced battle abilities, but then I can't specify different damage types without it... or can I?
  19. Driftwood Gaming

    RPG Maker MV Tutorials are now starting!

    Thank you Rise, I've come to a point in my life where I've realized it's not worth doing things you don't love to do. Even tho I still have to go to work to pay the bills all my free time is being put into the things I love to do, like make and play RPGs. MV couldn't have come at a better time...