Indie Dev

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Search results

  1. Xyphien

    Time for contests?

    For a HUGE contest, for example giving away $500 worth of prizes. How long do you feel a contest like this should run for. Do you think it should have a specific date, or do you think it should be for an achievement. Such as, this prize will be given out once we reach 10,000 posts, or 1,000...
  2. Xyphien

    How do you hire staff?

    There are lots of ways to hire members into the staff, including but not limited to; messaging active members you feel are worthy, having the community vote on them, as well as applications. When you hire staff members, how do you go about doing this?
  3. Xyphien Merged with and MORE!

    As MV-Tan very nicely put it, I have merged all of my sites into one central website! With this I'll be able to be more active, host better and more frequent events, and focus on the people that matter most! The community!!! With this merge I've added a shop and currency. You're now able to buy...
  4. Xyphien

    Naima's Melody (Demo Available)

    This looks amazing! You've done an amazing job on this thus far! We've just featured your game on our twitter <3
  5. Xyphien

    How important themes are!

    What is the absolute first thing you look at when visiting a website? Some people may say content, others may say activity, but in all reality the very first thing you notice is the theme. It doesn't matter what site you're on, what page you're viewing the theme is the first thing you see. It's...
  6. Xyphien

    How to get good statistics!

    Before I go into anything further, let me go ahead and state that @Teg (Apart of the Review Team) has requested that I make a guide/helpful post explaining what I did, and how you could get good statistics such as my site. Another thing, I'm very visual, so I will have lots of pictures. If...
  7. Xyphien

    Posting the right topics

    This post kind of ties in with the article of the Starting Content Article. Topics are a must for any forum, anyone who has ever been on a forum knows this. However, what topics should you create on your site? When making topics, especially in the beginning of your site you MUST have the right...
  8. Xyphien

    Do contests, free things, etc. help a forum/website?

    Yes, and no. I recently explained to someone asking if 'bribing' members is a good thing. Though the word Bribe has some stigma behind it, that's pretty much what Posting Contests, Free things for being active, etc. are. We just like to sugar coat it to make ourselves feel better. It's not a bad...
  9. Xyphien

    Engaging Content & Replies

    No matter how big or small your website is, especially a forum your posts and replies should always be engaging. This is because no matter the size of the website you will have a period of inactivity. I've faced it a decent amount of times on my largest website, and will continue to face it from...
  10. Xyphien

    Think of the future!

    When making a website, you shouldn't ever be looking at the forum now. You should always be looking at the future with your forum. When you first open up your forum, one of the first things you should do is create base content/topics. This is because you're preparing for future conversations...
  11. Xyphien

    Starting Content

    We all want the members of a community to start posting all the content, making topics, posting on topics, etc. However, if you do not have much content on your website/forum already no members will want to participate in it. In order to get your forum to start out good you will have to take the...
  12. Xyphien

    Paid SEO and how much they can work

    Hello Colleagues, everyone loves to save money, and do things themselves. This includes SEO. SEO everyone knows is extremely popular, and can be extremely time consuming to do, especially if you have never done it before. This includes research, knowing Panda, and all of the other ever changing...
  13. Xyphien

    Shop & Currency Exchange

    Xy$ is the forum's latest currency! You can obtain currency by creating topics (10 cents per) or by posting on someone elses topics (1 cent per). The currency is then used below to redeem for some amazing gifts! To purchase the items simply make a post below with the item you want. If you have...
  14. Xyphien


    Hello and welcome to the community :D If you need anything don't hesitate to ask!
  15. Xyphien

    Hello folks >:D<

    That's something I'd ask in the appropriate section :) There's members that know a lot more about that than me personally.
  16. Xyphien

    Hello folks >:D<

    Welcome to the community :D Sorry for the late response :O
  17. Xyphien

    There's going to be a huge change here soon. Stick around to find out what!

    There's going to be a huge change here soon. Stick around to find out what!
  18. Xyphien

    Heyo y'all!

    Hello and welcome to the community. I completely understand on the too many ideas XD Whenever I try to make a game I always get side tracked and turn it into this huge, overly complicated thing because of it. Or have multiple projects and never finish one. If you need anything don't hesitate to...
  19. Xyphien

    Hello all!

    Hello and welcome to the community! I'm glad to have you here and if you need anything don't hesitate to ask <3
  20. Xyphien

    Hello, new Member here :)

    Hello and welcome to the community! I'm glad you're feeling motivated, and I hope this website helps you with finding out more for RPG Maker MV <3