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RPG Maker zHUD 0.8

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zHUD is a very rudimentary HP Head-Up Display, reminiscent to the style used in the Zelda series.​
zHUD is designed for use with single-actor games.​
zHUD uses a set of image files to indicate HP status.​


This is the prefix of the set of image files being used.​

This is the width of the image files being used (in pixels).​

This is the total number of image files.​

This is the last number in the set of image files.​

This is a sound effect to be used when HP is at a critically low level.​

This is the interval at which to play the sound effect (in milliseconds).​
This is the ID of the actor whose HP will be displayed.​

How To Use

zHUD's filename must remain "zHUD.js" in order to work properly.​
Place "zHUD.js" in your project's JS/PLUGINS folder.​
The example includes 33 image files, all named similarly with the Prefix "zhud_x_hp_" and the bearing the same width of "237" pixels.​
The first image file- "zhud_x_hp_0.png"- represents the image shown when HP is at its lowest.​
The last image file- "zhud_x_hp_128.png"- represents the image shown when HP is full.​
The 31 images in-between represent the various possible HP states, in this case, increasing/reducing in increments of 4.​
(A few of the images from the example, "")​
The plug-in controls depend on the ImgMax and the LastImgSuffix parameters. The example uses 33 images, but the plug-in can use any number of files.​
For the included example, the parameter ImgMax should be set to "33" and LastImgSuffix should be set to "128".​
For this example, the ImgWidth parameter should be set to "237". This may be adjusted depending on the size of the image used.​
Place image files in your project's IMG/PICTURES folder.​
During gameplay, when HP reaches a critical low, zHUD activates an audible warning- specified in the LowHealthSE parameter.​
For the example- LowHealthSE is set to "LowHPBeep", which represents the audio files "LowHPBeep.ogg" and "LowHPBeep.m4a".​
Place audio files in the project's AUDIO/SE folder.​
SE_Interval represents the amount of time in milliseconds between beeping. It is set to "700" by default but may need to be adjusted depending on the length of the audio file that is used.​
Finally, the zActorID parameter is the number of the Actor who will be displayed.​
zHUD usually updates its display automatically, but in cases where this doesn't happen, you may need to use a script call to do it manually.​
Script call:​


(Google Drive. Compressed archive. Includes 1 JS, 33 PNGs, 1 OGG, 1 M4A files. 76 kb)​
* zHUD.js
* @plugindesc (v0.8)
* A Zelda-esque Head-Up Display.
* @author dismal_science__, caethyril
* @help
* zHUD is a very rudimentary HP HUD, reminiscent to the style used in the
* Zelda series.
* zHUD is designed for use with single-actor games.
* zHUD uses a set of image files to indicate HP status.
* =[ U S A G E ]===========================================================
* zHUD's filename must remain "zHUD.js" in order to work properly.
* The example includes 33 image files, all named similarly with the
* prefix "zhud_x_hp_" and bearing the same width of "237" pixels.
* The first image file- "zhud_x_hp_0.png"- represents the image shown when
* HP is at its lowest.
* The second image file- "zhud_x_hp_128.png"- represents the image shown
* when HP is full.
* The 31 images in-between represent the various possible HP states, in this
* case, increasing/reducing in increments of 4.
* The example uses 33 images, but the plug-in can use any number of files.
* The plug-in adjusts depending on the ImgMax and LastImgSuffix parameters.
* For the included example, the parameter ImgMax should be set to "33" and
* LastImgSuffix should be set to "128".
* For this example, the ImgWidth parameter should be set to "237". 
* This may be adjusted depending on the size of the image used.
* Place image files in your project's IMG/PICTURES folder.
* During gameplay, when HP reaches a critical low, zHUD activates an
* audible warning- specified in the LowHealthSE parameter.
* For the example- LowHealthSE is set to "LowHPBeep", which represents the
* audio files "LowHPBeep.ogg" and "LowHPBeep.m4a".
* Place audio files in the project's AUDIO/SE folder.
* SE_Interval represents the amount of time in milliseconds between beeping. 
* It is set to "700" by default but may need to be adjusted depending on the
* length of the audio file that is used.
* Finally, the zActorID parameter is the number of the Actor whose HP will be
* displayed.
* zHUD usually updates its display automatically, but in cases where this
* doesn't happen, you may need to use a script call to do it manually. 
* Script call: dismal_sci.zHUD.refreshHUD();
* =[ E T C . ]===========================================================
* zHUD is written by dismal_science__ and caethyril.
* zHUD is free for use in both commercial and non-commercial projects,
* as long as both authors are credited accordingly.
* For updates and copies of the example files mentioned in this help file,
* please check out-
* For more of Caethyril's plug-ins, please check out-
* @param Prefix
* @type text
* @desc Filename prefix, ex. "zhud_x_hp_"
* @default zhud_x_hp_
* @param ImgWidth
* @type number
* @desc Width of image (in pixels).
* @default 237
* @param ImgMax
* @type number
* @desc Total number of images.
* @default 33
* @param LastImgSuffix
* @type number
* @desc Suffix of last image in group.
* @default 128
* @param LowHealthSE
* @type file
* @dir audio/se
* @require 1
* @desc Low HP Sound Effect, place in AUDIO/SE folder.
* @default LowHPBeep
* @param SE_Interval
* @type number
* @desc Interval between Low HP Sound Effect beeps (in milliseconds).
* @default 700
* @param zActorID
* @type number
* @desc ID of Actor whose HP will be displayed.
* @default 1

var dismal_sci = dismal_sci || {};        // Author namespace
dismal_sci.zHUD = dismal_sci.zHUD || {};    // Plugin namespace

(function($) {

    // Get parameters
    $.params = PluginManager.parameters('zHUD');
    if ($.params === undefined) throw new Error('zHUD parameters not found! Check the plugin is named correctly and try again.');

    // Define parameter variables on plugin namespace
    $.Prefix = $.params['Prefix'];
    $.ImgWidth = Number($.params['ImgWidth']);
    $.ImgMax = Number($.params['ImgMax']) - 1;
    $.LastImgSuffix = Number($.params['LastImgSuffix']);
    $.LowHealthSE = $.params['LowHealthSE'];
    $.SE_Interval = Number($.params['SE_Interval']);
    $.zActorID = Number($.params['zActorID']);

    // Other plugin variables
    $.lastHP = 0;
//    $.xRight = Graphics.boxWidth - ($.ImgWidth + 24);    // boxWidth is not set yet!
    $.xOffset = $.ImgWidth + 24;                // Alternative approach
    $.xRound = $.LastImgSuffix / $.ImgMax;

    // Round to nearest multiple of integer num
    Number.prototype.roundTo = function(num) {
        return Math.ceil(this/num) * num;
    $.lowHP = Math.pow($.xRound,2);
    $.lowHP_SND = {name: $.LowHealthSE, volume: 90, pitch: 100, pan: 0};
    $.lowHP_beep = function() {
        if ($.beepInterval === undefined) {
            $.beepInterval = setInterval(function(){
            }, $.SE_Interval);
    $.lowHP_beep_kill = function() {
        if ($.beepInterval != undefined) {
            delete this.beepInterval;
    // Display appropriate picture for HUD, via showPicture
    $.refreshHUD = function() {
            // console.log('Refreshing HUD!');
            var actor = $$.zActorID);
            var calcHP = ($.LastImgSuffix * actor.hp / actor.mhp).roundTo($.xRound);
            if ($.lastHP === calcHP) return;    // Only continue if changed
            $.lastHP = calcHP;            // Remember HP
            // console.log('calculated:', calcHP, '\nlow:', $.lowHP);
            if (calcHP <= $.lowHP && calcHP > 0) {  // at or below low HP, and not dead
            } else {   // end beep in all other cases
            var id = 1;
            var name = $.Prefix + String(calcHP);
            var origin = 0, x = Graphics.boxWidth - $.xOffset, y = 3;
            var scaleX = 100, scaleY = 100, opacity = 255, blend = 0;
            $gameScreen.showPicture(id, name, origin, x, y, scaleX, scaleY, opacity, blend);
    // Refresh HUD when Scene_Map loads
    var _Scene_Map_start = Scene_Map.prototype.start;
    Scene_Map.prototype.start = function() {;
        // console.log('Scene_Map has started!');
    // Refresh HUD when actor gains/loses HP
    var _Game_Actor_setHp = Game_Actor.prototype.setHp;
    Game_Actor.prototype.setHp = function(value) {, value);
        // console.log('Actor HP changed!');



zHUD is free for use in both commercial and non-commercial projects, as long as both dismal_science__ and Caethyril are credited accordingly:​
zHUD by dismal_science__ and Caethyril

You are free to edit this plugin as you see fit for your project.​
If the edits can benefit the community as a whole, I request that they are also posted here so the edits can be incorporated into an official release.​
Please do not re-post, just link to this forum post or the dismal_science__ devblog.​

For updates and copies of the example files mentioned in this help file, please check out-​
For more of Caethyril's plug-ins, please check out-​
This plug-in was born in an RPG Maker Forum discussion. Check out the original post here.​
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