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Zebestian's Music Collection

Zebestian's Music Collection

That was great, well i never make a commercial game. Only for my personal satisfaction. But I will give your credits place on it.
So good to hear that my music is helpful! Be sure to have a look at my more recent pack too!
Thanks so much for the music my hero!!
I was looking for noncopyright music and saw this post.
I give you full credit here!!!
Great work! Especially "Objection!" Love it!
Hope its okay I used a couple of your songs in my project :)
Don't worry its free, and I gave you full credit!
(also "Objection!" that is inspired From the ace attorney games right?)
"Yes, it is" to all your questions. I made "Objection!" after playing the first Ace Attorney game for the first time some years back~
Thankyou for audio.^^
Excellent work! these are amazing. :3
Nice variety, good use of expected music tropes while maintaining originality and uniqueness.
I try my best to make my music useful to as many people as possible and to keep my distinct composing style. Good to know that it worked. :)
these songs are amazing going to follow u on soundcloud
Aww, thank you. I always appreciate new followers and I also like to hear that my stuff is actually useful. ^-^
I'll be using prolly most of the songs in my non-comertial simple game. They are pretty awesome.
My favorite by far is Rogue tecnology, that feel of a nice boss fight is awesome
Wow great! I will use this music with pleasure:D
sounds amazing! I followed you on soundcloud as well!
Thank you. Both for your kind words and your follow. It's always nice to hear somebody likes my work. ^-^
amazing! thanks :D
Using this in my (non-profit) Game, works really well! cheers
Amazing, thank you
This is a nice compilation, fits your reputation well, nice work. I will use this.
I got a reputation? What do people say about me. Tell me, I'm curious~ :3
Amazing as Hell!!
Love this music
I love your music! <3
Now that's good to hear. XD
Thank you. ^_^
great work and cant wait to dive into all of them...
Its awsome
Thank you. I'm glad so many people like my work. :)
Amazing music! Looking forward to hopefully more from you.
Since I'm on the resource team, there's gonna be plenty more. Don't worry. :)
You're making amazing music! Keep doing that! Maybe you can make some .ogg files from it :D That should be amazing.. I think im going to use it :D Its so good!
I'm already working on a collection of .ogg files to download at once. Just give me some time. :)
That's some good stuff there. I'll probably be using it at some point! :-)
Good to hear my stuff is usable. :D