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Time Engine

RPG Maker Time Engine 1.3.1

No permission to download
Time Engine
Requirements: LTNCore

DISCONTINUED All plugins will be rewritten and open sourced.

What does this plugin do?
This plugin will give your game a time system. It allows for you to have months, days, weeks and of course time. It will provide you with a clock(HUD) to be used on the map, during battle or in the menu. This plugin will have add-ons including a day and night cycle plugin and time control/travel plugin.

Game Time Options:
  • Set your own custom months, weeks, and days to be used in your game.
  • Set your own time speed, how fast would you like time to move?
  • You can choose to pause time when dialogue is active, during the menu or during battles.

Clock Options:
  • You can change the position of the clock when displayed on the map, in battle or in the menu.
  • You can choose how you want the clock to display the information, hide the date, use abbreviated names or show only the clock
  • You can choose between army time and standard time.
  • Choose a key for quick display of the clock or hide it completely from view.


Terms Of Use
Free for use in both non-commercial and commercial products
Please credit me LTN Games if you plan to use this in your product
You may edit this plugin however you like for any of your products
X You cannot share this plugin elsewhere unless given permission by me
even if it's an edited version.
X You cannot claim this plugin as your own.

Most of the plugins I write are free to use commercially, and I put a lot of
hours into the development of my plugins, If you like my work and want to see more of it in the future, I ask that you consider offering a donation.

If you do wish to provide your support, you can do so by sending your contribution via PayPal to:
LTN Games
First release
Last update
3.91 star(s) 11 ratings

More resources from LTN Games

Latest updates

  1. Updated link

    Now links to website where all plugins are hosted
  2. Updated Link

    Recently changed permalinks on website and this update will reflect the changes.
  3. Large Update

    Time Engine now has timers! This allows you to setup a timer using a plugin command which is...

Latest reviews

  • Anonymous
  • 1.00 star(s)
  • Version: Version 1.2.0
No way to download it.
  • Anonymous
  • 1.00 star(s)
  • Version: Version 1.2.0
I can't download hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Such a great plugin! Love it.
I just have one question so far: if I want a switch to activate at a particular time, how is that done?
Love you plugin. Can't wait tell you are done with it.
This is an awesome plugin. I was searching for it all over. Just a tiny problem. When I load the game the clock restarts to original time that is Sun January 1 and I set it on 1March Monday.
LTN Games
LTN Games
Thanks for the review. I'll check out this bug on the weekend and update A.S.A.P.
It's a good plugin. It works well for me, except I want the player to set the time in-game and the only way to do so is to give choices for each month, day, hour, minute, etc.. It would be nice if you could add compatibility for the input number function to change the value of a variable that controls the time.

> Example of Plugin Now:
Text: What Day is it?
Show Choices:
1 = Plugin Command: TE SetTime x x 1 x x x
2 = Plugin Command: TE SetTime x x 2 x x x
31 = Plugin Command: TE SetTime x x 30 x x x

> Example for Input Number Compatibility:
Text: What day is it?
Input Number for Variable 0003 [Day]
Plugin Command: TE SetTime x x \v[3] x x x

Because adding Input Number compatibility would be a lot easier.

Unless it's already there and I just don't know how to use it.
LTN Games
LTN Games
Excellent idea! I will include this in the next update which im hoping will be released by the end of the month. I have a lot of plugins ans projects on the go but I will definitely include this when i get the chance.
I would have given all stars but there are a few annoying bugs;
The most disturbing one is that \24TIME does not work properly :(
An other nice feature that I would like to suggest would be a way to retrieve the current hours and minutes in some variable, for further event conditions.
LTN Games
LTN Games
I'm aware of the /24TIME bug and should be fixed in the next update, which is a major update. For your second issue, you can track the variables using the plugin command TC Variables Active minute hour day month year filling in the time with variable numbers so. TC Variables active 1 2 3 4 5 6 setting all of time elements to variables, active just means they will always represent the current time.It should be in the documentation. Feel free to ask any question in this resources topic.
Yay time is in the game now!
Excellent plugin, useful for many things.
This is something I needed DRASTICALLY! It is a necessity for my game! I'll be testing it out, and asking some questions as I go along with messing with it. Great work man, and thank you for this amazing plugin!