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RPG Maker Success Checker 1.0

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Success Checker
Provides functionality for more easily adding elements of chance to a game.

Command: tmp_check
Useage: tmp_check switchID expression actorID

The switchID is id of the switch that will be store whether the check is successful or not.

The expression acts as a percentage chance of turning the switch on.

The actorID is required when using game parameters in the expression.

Example: tmp_check 1 luk/5 1

In this example, we'll assume that the first actor has a luck of 50.

The switch with the id of 1 has a 10%(luk/5)(50/5) chance of being set to on. Otherwise it'll be set to off. The luck is taken from the actor with the id of 1.

Placing a 'p' in front of the actorID will instead check party members.

Example: tmp_check 1 luk/5 p1

Will perform the check using the luck of the first person in your party instead of the first Actor in the Actors database.

Expressions Explained
Expressions are mathematical calculations that result in a number.
This number represents the percentage chance that the check will be successful.
Expressions can not contain spaces.

Expressions can be single numbers, '30', would give a 30% chance at success.

Expressions can be mathematical calculations and follow standard order of precedence. Parenthesis ( ) are allowed.

+ represents addition
- represents subtraction
* represents multiplication
/ represents division
% represents modulus (calculating remainders)

Expressions can use actor parameters such as attack, defense, agility, etc.
The parameters should be referred to using the following identifiers:
agi, atk, cev, cnt, cri, def, eva, exr, fdr, grd, hit, hp, hrg, level, luk, mat, mcr, mdf, mdr, mev, mhp, mmp, mp, mrf, mrg, pdr, pha, rec, tcr, tgr, tp, trg

atk = attack
agi = agility

Expressions can use variables.
To use a variable refer to it in the expression as var followed by the id number.
e.g. var9
Which would use the value from the variable with an id of 9.

tmp_check 1 50 1

50% chance of turning switch 1 on.

tmp_check 1 50
actorID is not required if not using parameters in the expression.

tmp_check 4 10+20/4 1
15% chance of turning switch 4 on.

tmp_check 7 10+luk 1
The chance of turning on switch 7 is 10 + the luck of the actor with the ID of 1 in the database. If their luck was 30, this would be a 40% chance.

tmp_check 48 luk/2 8
The chance of turning on switch 48 is half of the luck of the actor with the ID of 8 in the database. If their luck was 100, this would be a 50% chance.

tmp_check 20 atk/def p2
The chance of turning on switch 20 is the atk of the second member of the party divided by the same members def. If atk is 100 and def is 20, the chance would be 5%. Alternatively, if def was 100 and atk was 20, there would be a 0.2% chance.

tmp_check 8 var5+10
The chance of turning switch 8 on would be the value of the variable with the id of 5 + 10. If variable 5 contained 30, this would be a 40% chance.

tmp_check 13 var8-var4
The chance of turning switch 13 on would be the value of the variable with the id of 8 with the value of the variable with the id of 4 subtracted from it. If variable 8 was 60 and variable 4 was 50, this would be a 10% chance.

tmp_check 12 (var3-mat)/2 p3
The chance of turning switch 12 on would be the value of the variable with the id of 3 after subtracting the magic attack of the third member of the current party, divided by 2. If variable 3 was 100, and mat was 60. (100-60)/2 The chance would be 20%.
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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what a handy tool for making chance-based events easier to create/manage. thank you!