Indie Dev

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Space Age

RPG Maker Space Age Version 1.2

No permission to download
  • Major rebalancing
  • Minor bug fixes
  • Sewer has been rebalanced and exit has been added


  • More secrets added
  • More enemy moves
  • Some Character Redesigns
  • Dojo added
  • Secret area added
  • Two bosses added
  • Few items and weapons added.
- Minor collision issues were hammered out
- Minor direction-fix issues were hammered out
- First of the final set-of-four puzzles in the sewer route was fixed to accommodate failure

- Easter Eggs and Goodies

- Some puzzles in the sewer route are easy to cheese. Will be patched out soon.
- Cannot leave sewers after you enter. Not intentional and will fix ASAP.

- More Easter Eggs and Goodies
- Karate Dojo - Optional Area
- More moves for bosses to use. Smarter AI.
- LESS RNG. Taking out ALL damage variance and RNG apart from enemy decisions. Keeping up on promises made in the description.
- Further combat balancing. Especially the boiler monster to tweak the difficulty upwards a little bit.
- Making Lil' a useful party member.