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RPG Maker Sinn's Doodads Pack 2 + Tileset 2016-09-27

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Hey guys! I finally got the redesigned chair finished and I like the outcome so I'm uploading it here to share with all of you. I also designed a fun little demon mirror with mini heads to go with it that can be used to do a "Mirror mirror on the wall" type scene. The heads have 2 variations, closed mouth and open mouth to depict speech xP.

Anyhow, if you just want the tileset "Save as" the image below and it should work fine. The download button will download the doodads pack (which does not include the talking heads since I don't have those set up as animations so it wouldn't look right there).

Same terms as usual, just give credit to Sinnistar and you can use them freely. If you wish to edit any of these, you can do so so long as I'm given credit for the originals!

The first chair is set to the bottom most pixel, while the other variations have it lifted 3 pixels to better depict the characters sitting on them. (Something I noticed that looked really odd with the original RTP versions I used as a template for these). The texture is used straight from my outdoor tileset I recently made so they should match the stalls too if you wanted to put these behind those for a seated merchant.

The demon mirrors are RTP mirrors with the white part cut out entirely and replaced with my own custom design that wound up having a nice indent in the center so I decided to make a couple of mini heads from my TOTL characters to go with them. If made into an animation sheet the heads can be depicted as speaking, but this can be done through eventing and self switches as well.
MagikMirror + Chairs.png
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5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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Loving these! Can't wait to use them! I particularly like the coloring!
My favorites of these is the red cherry wood style xD Always did like that look in Wurm Online's furniture and such so had to try duplicating it lol. Glad you like them! I'll prolly have another doodad pack by the end of this month (for the roofs I'm releasing with the monthly pack + other stuff)