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RPG Maker Select Item Plus 1.0

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Introduction and Features

Used the Select Item command and don't know what else to do but check it's id? Check if:
  • It's name includes Herb, i.e. Power Herb
  • It's a regular, key, hidden A or hidden B item (in case you forgot)
  • It's consumable
  • If it has an element
  • If it's worth more/less/equal to a certain price
  • If it belongs to a certain category --> note: <menu category: food>

Select Items not enough? Somehow dumped a weapon/armor id into a variable instead? Check if:
  • The weapon type is e.g. Sword
  • The weapon is worth more/less/equal to a certain price
  • The weapon's parameter (e.g. atk) is more/less/equal to a value
  • The weapon's element is e.g. Fire
  • The equip type is a shield/head/body/accessory
  • The armor type is heavy/light
  • The armor is worth more/less/equal to a certain price
  • The armor's parameter (e.g. def) is more/less/equal to a value
This is useful if e.g. you want to give food to an event and need to check if what the player selected was even food at all, but your food item ids are all over the place! Then, as long as you add the right menu category into the note box, the selected item can be identified as food.

Or maybe, an event asks you for an item worth more than 1000G and lets you choose what to show them. The plugin makes it very easy to check such things.

To save an npc from certain death, you need to select and give them an armor with def more than 100...

How to Use

Put .js file into plugins folder. Read help for instructions.

Please reply to this post if you need to dig up any more stuff from Select Item.

Terms of Use

I don't actually care about this one. Use it however. Anything but repost under your own name.
First release
Last update
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