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Sci-fi/modern, indoor/outdoor Mix tileset

RPG Maker Sci-fi/modern, indoor/outdoor Mix tileset 2.0

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absolutely love these! the bathroom set is awesome.
Dalton Sayre
Dalton Sayre
Thanks! I just made a couple of animations that can be lain over the bathroom pieces. I'll put them up for you.
Wow dude these are very very good!
The side ways computers are fantastic, they will help fill in
the space at the sides of rooms real good! Thank you!!!

The computers with flashing lights and electric are awesome!
They will make otherwise static rooms more dynamic and fun.

I love the fish in the tank haha :D
and the electro neon tubes look fab just FAB!

I'm loving the new ammo boxes and the balaclava statues with AK47s that is one of the best things iv seen!

You have put so much work into these, thank you so much for doing this and sharing your work with us all!

There is so much cool stuff to look at!

I'm going to play with it all right now! :D

Thanks again!
Dalton Sayre
Dalton Sayre
I'm happy to be of service
These are great! Just what I was looking for.
Thanks for sharing.
Dalton Sayre
Dalton Sayre
Glad to help