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RTP Tile B-E Edits (Potions, Bags, Apples, Flowers, Etc.)

RPG Maker RTP Tile B-E Edits (Potions, Bags, Apples, Flowers, Etc.) 1.0a

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I'll be using these in my upcoming [Unnamed] game! Thanks for the epic resources!
Glad to hear you like them! Enjoy!
Very handy! Thank you!
Much welcome! ☺
thanks iìve downloaded can i use it?
i credit you in the game right?
Yup ☺ You sure can.
PS. Sorry for the delayed response. I've been away for quite a while.
Great work. hope to see more.
Awesome stuff :D Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing~
another quality group of items, in superconvenient charset form so we dont have to burn our static tileset. thanks for this!