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RPG Maker Romance System 2017-12-28

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This system allows you to have a romance system in your games. You can use this to have events where you can marry your party members or marry NPCs.






Copyright (C) William Ramsey, you have the right to use this commercially or
non-commercially in any RPG Maker MV project you see fit. There
is no fee for using it in a commercial game.

This plugin lets you have romantic points for any NPC you set up in the game.

In order to set up an event, you need to put <upp_rm_name:Entity Name> in the
events note section. "Entity Name" can be what ever you want, for example:
<upp_rm_name:Jessica Spinnach>

Gain and Lose messages have symbols in them, and you're probably confused as to
what they mean. rom.amount is how many points were gained or lossed, rom.title
is the title of the points as defined in Romance Name, and rom.person is
whoever you set in the plugin command.

Additionally, you can use the same text commands you would when typing a message.

It's important to note that once an entities romance points are full, notifications
for gaining points will be disabled until you reduce some points.

Plugin Commands:

• upp_rom_manset Entity Name
     This will manually add an entry, be careful though because if you have
     an NPC already added and you use this, you'll get a double entry and
     errors could happen. Only use this in cases where you want to
     immediately add people at the start of the game, such as party members
     for example.
         [example] upp_rom_manset Jessica Spinnach
                   upp_rom_manset Albert Carrot

• upp_rom_link variable_id Entity Name
     This command will link a variable to the amount of romance points an entity
         [example] upp_rom_link 1 Jessica Spinnach

• upp_rom_gain / upp_rom_lose amount Entity Name
     This command will gain or lose a specified amount of romance points for an
         [example] upp_rom_gain 5 Jessica Spinnach
                   upp_rom_lose 5 Jessica Spinnach

Conditional Branch/Control Variables Script Commands:

• uppRomance("value", "Entity Name")
     This basically returns the romance value of an entity you've created. If
     it doesn't exist, it will return 0. This will allow you to do some cool stuff
     with events if your romance level is high enough (or low enough...) with a specific

• uppRomance("full", "Entity Name")
     This checks and sees if the romance value of an entity is full. If it is, it'll
     return true, if not, it'll return false.
  • Love
Reactions: mariachib
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5.00 star(s) 8 ratings

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  1. Small patch - (Required)

    This patch is required as I forgot to call the alias I used for the plugin commands, so your...

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Thank you very much!
I loveeeee your work
Excellent work, definitely helps make games better!
great! I hope you continue to write plugins for MV.
A great plugin, thanks you.
Thanks a ton. Can I show the player a stat that implies how much those characters love each other, like romance points or such?
Not sure what you mean but you can use the plugin command" upp_rom_link variable_id Entity Name " (without quotes ofc), to link the amount of love points an entity has to a variable.
an easy to use plugin that adds a lot of fun and complexity to your game. highly recommend!
What a great resource addition. This saves me a lot of hassle with trying to manually do this :)