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[Remake] Field 01 - RMXP

[Remake] Field 01 - RMXP 2016-01-01

No permission to download
My first resource (or whatever you want to call it) is a remade version of Field 01 from RPG Maker XP. I made this for two reasons:
1) I like the songs form RMXP and want to recreate them for fun.
2) I'm developing a new type of workflow and using new methods (and sounds) in my music so i'm using this song as a test. While i'm at it, I might as well focus on how to format them for RPG Maker and such because I also plan on making a pack later down the road.

The file here should be a .ogg but I also have a M4A available on demand if anyone would like to help me test sound quality on tablets/phones since i'm unable to. You can take a listen to this on my Soundcloud ( A Highlighted point about this is that it's not "just" a direct copy of the original midi file however I tried to retain it's originality. For example, I added Orchestral Chimes and a Triangle part at the beginning and such. For the Flute part, I added a Clarinet to play Harmony with the Flute. I also added an Irish Whistle playing under the Flute for a more traditional (at least to me) RPG feel.

Far as rights/usage and such, you can use it however you please (Commercial or non-commercial). I prefer credit if used but it's not too necessary. Regardless of credit, I would like to know if plan on using it at all. Constructive Criticism is appreciated as well. Hope you like it.
First release
Last update
4.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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I like it, i can say anithing else