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RPG Maker Quicksand 1.3

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Name: Quicksand
Version: 1.3
Author: Mr. Trivel
Created: 2015-11-27

What does it do?
Allows regions to sink players and events in. If player sinks in completely - game over screen or common event can be executed.


How to use?
Set up tags Map Note.
Full setup looks like this:
<quicksand: [iD]>
SinkSpeed: [FLOAT]
SlowDown: [FLOAT]
MaxSlowDown: [FLOAT]
MaxSink: [INT]
SinkReached: [Common Event ID/0/-1]
Dash: [true/false]
CutOff: [true/false]

What each of those do:
<quicksand: [iD]> - start of region data, [iD] is for which region will it apply
</quicksand> - end of region data
SinkSpeed: [FLOAT] - How fast characters sink in
SlowDown: [FLOAT] - How slower characters move per sink in
MaxSlowDown: [FLOAT] - Slowest characters can move E.g. 0.5
MaxSink: [INT] - Lowest possible sinking point (E.g. 30)
SinkReached: [Common Event ID/0/-1] - What happens after player sinks in. 0 - nothing, -1 - Game Over, >0 calls Common Event of that ID.
Dash: [true/false] - Is player allowed to Dash while in this region
CutOff: [true/false] - Cut off part of sprite depending on sink in?

Is it possible to set multiple regions on same map? Yes.

Settings I used for the screenshot:
<quicksand: 5>
SinkSpeed: 0.1
SlowDown: 0.05
MaxSlowDown: 0.2
MaxSink: 10
SinkReached: 0
Dash: false
CutOff: true

Can I make events unsinkable? Yes.
Just add <Unsinkable> to Event's note field.

How to download Plugin. Click the link above, there will be a button named Raw, press Right Click -> Save As.

Terms of Use:
Don't remove the header or claim that you wrote this plugin.
Credit Mr. Trivel if using this plugin in your project.
Free for non-commercial projects.
For commercial use contact Mr. Trivel.
Mr. Trivel
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

More resources from Mr. Trivel

Latest updates

  1. Bugfix

    Version 1.3 - Fixed sinking into tiles that aren't tagged as Bush in database.
  2. Common Events on sink in

    Version 1.2 - Removed redundant tags. Added Common Event execution on sink in.
  3. Fixed values staying false.

    Values were staying false even when set to true. E.g. Death or Dash. Now it's fixed.

Latest reviews

I used it for water and mud fields. Awsome no crash or lags!