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My 8-direction charachter sheet

RPG Maker My 8-direction charachter sheet 1

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A little 8-directional sprite, with 45 total frames. For bigger preview, open the image in new page: and zoom!
1-20: move (4 frame/dir : down, downleft, ... up) + horizontal flip in game engine
21-25: idle (1 frame/dir : down, downleft, ... up) + horizontal flip in game engine
26-45: attack (1 frame/dir : down, downleft, ... up) + horizontal flip in game engine
In the game engine: the frames could start from 0 (instead of 1).
In that case: 0-44, all frames!

I left out 3 direction, in my trust of Godot's animation mirroring. So, I may make 2 versions of the sheet, next time!
First release
Last update
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