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RPG Maker MVHTTP 1.0 2017-11-24

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It's a simple little plugin for making HTTP requests and communicating with servers. The target host is configurable and you only need to worry about the server's handles. Both synchronous and asynchronous get/post requests are covered and any data you're sending it automatically packed for the respective requests. (url values for GET and JSON for POST.) Hope it's helpful to someone.

 * @plugindesc Allows easy communication with web servers from RPG Maker context.
 * @author Kenneth "Esseh" Willeford
 * @param hostname
 * @desc Address of default host to connect to.
 * @default
 * @param timeout
 * @desc How long for a request to 'timeout' and return an error.
 * @default 3000
 * @help 
 * Most Recent Version Here:
 * * Plugin Commands:
 *  ChangeHost <NewHostName>    # Changes the currently set host.
 * The plugin allows the following script calls... 
 * MVHTTP.get(endpointHandler,JavascriptObjectArguments)
 *   performs a GET request at the endpoint passing the javascript object as form values to the server.
 *   This function performs syncrhonously and so will return a javascript object of the following form...
 *    {
 *        result: null | string,
 *        error: null | string
 *    }
 *   On success result becomes non-null and error remains null.
 *   On failure result becomes null and error becomes the integer error code.
 *   Same as the syncrhonous GET but instead the arguments are passed as a singular JSON-Encoded string
 *   It's up to the server to marshal the string into a local datatype.
 * MVHTTP.aget(endpointHandler,JavascriptObjectArguments,successCallback,failureCallback)
 *   asyncrhonously performs a GET request at the endpoint passing the javascript object as form values to the server.
 *   because it is asyncrhonous no value is returned, instead two callback functions can be registered to perform on success or failure respectively.
 *   the success callback in particular expects the string that would have been put into the result portion of the syncrhonous object.
 * MVHTTP.apost(endpointHandler,JavascriptObjectArguments,successCallback,failureCallback)
 *   asynchronous equivalent to
 * All functions can be tested utilizing
 * Here are some examples you can try from script calls. First set hostname to
 * Create an actor, when the actor is spoken to use one of the following script calls...
 * alert(MVHTTP.get("get",{dataToSend:"theActualData"}).result);
 * alert("post",{dataToSend:"theActualData"}).result);
 * MVHTTP.aget("get",{dataToSend:"theActualData"},
 *  function(responseData){ alert(responseData); },
 *  function(){ alert("something went wrong"); }
 * );
 * MVHTTP.apost("post",{dataToSend:"theActualData"},
 *  function(responseData){ alert(responseData); },
 *  function(){ alert("something went wrong"); }
 * );
MVHTTP = {};
(function() {
    // Get Parameters and Default Fallback Values
    var parameters = PluginManager.parameters("MVHTTP");
    var hostname = parameters.hostname || "";
    var timeout = parseInt(parameters.timeout, 10) || 3000;

    // Setup Plugin Commands
    var _Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand;
    Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function(command, args) {, command, args);
        if (command === "ChangeHost") {
            hostname = args[0];

    // Helper Function, Constructs a basic XMLHttpRequest
    function ajaxBase(method, handler, isAsync, args) {
        var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
        var dst = hostname + handler;
        if (method == "GET" && args) {
            dst += "?";
        }, dst, isAsync);
        return xhttp;

    // Formats the arguments for GET requests
    function makeGETArgs(args) {
        if (args === undefined) {
            return "";
        return "?" + Object.keys(args).map(function(key) {
            return key + '=' + args[key];

    // Formats the arguments for POST requests
    function makePOSTArgs(args) {
        if (args === undefined) {
            args = {};
        return JSON.stringify(args);

    // Adds asyncrhonous callbacks to asynchronous requests.
    function xhttpCallbackDecorator(xhttp, successCallback, failureCallback) {
        xhttp.timeout = timeout;
        if (successCallback === undefined) {
            successCallback = function(responseText) {};
        if (failureCallback === undefined) {
            failureCallback = function() {};
        xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
            if (xhttp.readyState == 4 && xhttp.status == 200) {
            if (xhttp.status >= 400) {

    // Constructs the output for sycnrhonous requests.
    function xhttpGetSynchronousResult(xhttp) {
        output = {
            result: null,
            error: null
        if (xhttp.readyState == 4 && xhttp.status == 200) {
            output.result = xhttp.responseText;
        } else {
            output.error = xhttp.status;
        return output;

    // Syncrhonous GET Request
    MVHTTP.get = function(handler, args) {
        handler += makeGETArgs(args);
        var xhttp = ajaxBase("GET", handler, false);
        return xhttpGetSynchronousResult(xhttp);

    // Syncrhonous POST Request = function(handler, args) {
        var xhttp = ajaxBase("POST", handler, false);
        return xhttpGetSynchronousResult(xhttp);

    // Asyncrhonous GET Request
    MVHTTP.aget = function(handler, args, successCallback, failureCallback) {
        handler += makeGETArgs(args);
        var xhttp = ajaxBase("GET", handler, true);
        xhttpCallbackDecorator(xhttp, successCallback, failureCallback);

    // Asyncrhonous POST Request
    MVHTTP.apost = function(handler, args, successCallback, failureCallback) {
        var xhttp = ajaxBase("POST", handler, true);
        xhttpCallbackDecorator(xhttp, successCallback, failureCallback);

    // Run tests to make sure implementaiton is correct, if neccessary plugin users can run it to make sure it runs correctly on their system.
    // If nothing pops up then that means nothing is wrong.
    MVHTTP.runTests = function() {
        var configValue = hostname;
        hostname = "";

        function assertEqual(id, actual, expected) {
            if (expected != actual) {
                alert("test " + id.toString() + " has failed");

        function assertNotEqual(id, actual, expected) {
            if (expected == actual) {
                alert("test " + id.toString() + " has failed");

        function failCallback() {
            alert("asyncrhonous test has failed");
        // Good Null GET
        assertEqual(1, MVHTTP.get("get").error, null);
        assertNotEqual(1, MVHTTP.get("get").result, null);
        // Good Empty GET
        assertEqual(2, MVHTTP.get("get", {}).error, null);
        assertNotEqual(2, MVHTTP.get("get", {}).result, null);
        // Good Arbitrary GET
        assertEqual(3, MVHTTP.get("get", {
            key: "value"
        }).error, null);
        assertNotEqual(3, MVHTTP.get("get", {
            key: "value"
        }).result, null);
        // Bad GET
        assertEqual(4, MVHTTP.get("post", {
            key: "value"
        }).result, null);
        assertNotEqual(4, MVHTTP.get("post", {
            key: "value"
        }).error, null);
        // Good Null POST
        assertEqual(5,"post").error, null);
        assertNotEqual(5,"post").result, null);
        // Good Empty POST
        assertEqual(6,"post", {}).error, null);
        assertNotEqual(6,"post", {}).result, null);
        // Good Arbitrary POST
        assertEqual(7,"post", {
            key: "value"
        }).error, null);
        assertNotEqual(7,"post", {
            key: "value"
        }).result, null);
        // Bad POST
        assertEqual(8,"get", {
            key: "value"
        }).result, null);
        assertNotEqual(8,"get", {
            key: "value"
        }).error, null);
        // Good Async Null GET
        MVHTTP.aget("get", undefined, undefined, failCallback);
        // Good Async Empty GET
        MVHTTP.aget("get", {}, undefined, failCallback);
        // Good Async Arbitrary GET
        MVHTTP.aget("get", {
            key: "value"
        }, undefined, failCallback);
        // Bad Async GET
        MVHTTP.aget("post", {
            key: "value"
        }, failCallback);
        // Good Async Null POST
        MVHTTP.apost("post", undefined, undefined, failCallback);
        // Good Async Empty POST
        MVHTTP.apost("post", {}, undefined, failCallback);
        // Good Async Arbitrary POST
        MVHTTP.apost("post", {
            key: "value"
        }, undefined, failCallback);
        // Bad Async POST
        MVHTTP.apost("get", {
            key: "value"
        }, failCallback);
        hostname = configValue;
First release
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5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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this is absolutely amazing! i'd been using some php i hacked together to interface with a database in my mv project -- so happy to have this to work with instead. can't thank you enough for this!