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RPG Maker MVDB 1.11 Internal Database Solution 2017-11-24

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Simply put, this is a plugin that allows you to create databases that can have varying lifetimes. They can be alive as long as your save data or they can be alive as long as it is open. Additionally a simple interface is provided to interact with localStorage in order to store values that can persist even after the game is closed.

By utilizing a Model-Ancestor interface a structure (which you define) can be enforced in the database. This means that errors based on assuming the form of your data will be reduced, and issues where that would occur can be caught quickly.

This also takes the place of needing to use gameVariables or gameSwitches to store arbitrary data(something that may introduce errors when intermingling script calls and eventing.)

It presents a clear way of broadcasting values from your plugin so that other plugins may more easily extend upon yours without having to depend so much on load orders and alias injections.

Lastly MVDB's Self-Managing Views provide excellent ways of encapsulating range queries across your data as your data changes.

While some of the options may seem SQL-like it is actually a NoSQL, with the exception of Views the database is focused on single points of data.

There's much more information to be said but it's covered in the documentation. Hope this plugin is useful to some of you.

* @plugindesc Allows Database-Esque (NoSQL) Interactions for RPG Maker MV internals.
* @author Kenneth "Esseh" Willeford
* Most up to date version here:
* @help Databases can be made with a lifespan of one of two levels..
*  1. Temporary Level : (will persist so long as the game remains open)
*  2. Save File Level : (persists within a save file)
* Additionally there is a basic interface for global values that persist even after the game is closed.
* All interfactions are performed through script calls (or within plugins) through the 'MVDB' variable. This variable has the following public methods...
*  newDB(string databaseName,string intendedLifespan)
*   This creates a new database of lifespan "Temp" or "Save" (case sensitive, other values will fail silently.)
*  deleteDB(string databaseName,string intendedLifespan)
*   This deletes a created database.
*  getDB(string databaseName,string intendedLifespace)
*   This retrieves one of the created databases which can be stored in a variable. From there database methods may be accessed.
*    NoSuchItem : Thrown if the database doesn't exist.
* In addition the 'MVDB' variable has 1 public attribute 'global' with the following public methods...
*  add(string key,string item)
*   This add an item to localStorage to be retreived. As localStorage is limited
*   these methods should be used sparingly and only with small amounts of data.
*    GlobalSizeLimitReached : Thrown if there is no room in localStorage for the intended object.
*  remove(string key)
*   Removes an item from localStorage.
*  get(string key)
*   Retreives an item from localStorage.
*    NoSuchItem : Thrown if the item doesn't exist.
* A Database Object or 'DB' object has the following public methods...
*  getItem(keyType key)
*   This allows the retrieval of an object bypassing the need for tables and entry keys given
*   that you have the respective entry's global key.
*    NoSuchItem : Thrown if the key doesn't lead to an item.
*  makeTable(string modelName,object Model,string[] ancestors)
*   Creates a table with a respective modelName with a model created from hints provided by the object with 0 or more ancestors...
*   What is a Model?-
*    A model is a data structure representing what is 'expected' out of a database entry.
*    For example if the Model was {uID:1,email:""}
*    then future database entries will be expected an integer whenever it sees uID and a string whenever it sees email.
*    Violating this will result in an error. However missing entries will simply be replaced with null, and extra elements will simply be ignored.
*   What is an Ancestor?
*    An ancestor is simply an existing model to be used as a basis for building the current model.
*    To continue the previous example we can have that be a Model named "User".
*    Next we will introduce a Model named "Admin" with the following model. {editAnything:true,deleteAnything:true,makeAnything:true}.
*    By providing ["User"] the our ancestors Admin has implicitly gained the uID and email properties.
*    Of course Admin is now tied to User, so if User were to ever be deleted Admin would disappear as well.
*    ModelExists : Thrown if the modelName is already in use.
* getTable(string modelName)
*  Retrieves a table from which table's public methods may be accessed.
*  Be sure to store it in a variable.
*  As an aside: Note that the terms Table and Model can be used interchangebly.
*   NoSuchItem : Thrown if the table doesn't exist.
* A Table Object has the following public methods...
*  add(string key,object value)
*   adds an entry to the table making sure that the object matches the model/ancestors.
*   missing values are subbed with null
*   extra values are ignored.
*    ReservedCharacterUsed : Triggered if '%' is in the key.
*    ModelMistmatch : Thrown if there was a mismatch between types between the model and new object.
*  remove(string key)
*   removes an entry of the table.
*    ReservedCharacterUsed : Triggered if '%' is in the key.
*    NoSuchItem : Thrown if there is no item to remove.
*  get(string key)
*   retrieves an entry of the table
*    NoSuchItem : Thrown if there is no item to get.
*  getKey(string key)
*   like get but instead retrieves the entry's global key.
*    NoSuchItem : Thrown if there is no item to get.
*  delete()
*   erases the table and all descendant tables.
*  select(callback filter(obj))
*   retrieves an array of every object that fulfills the filter condition.
*   for example .select(function(obj){return obj.condition == true; });
*   would provide every object in which the condition field is true.
*   If uncaught exceptions occur within the callback then that object is simply ignored.
*  selectKeys(callback filter(obj))
*   like select but returns an array of global keys instead.
*  makeView(string viewName,callback filterCallback(obj))
*    SAVE FILE DATABASES ONLY: Avoid using closures for the callback and avoid calling functions within the callback.
*    Those types of functions are not serializable and will result in those views breaking on file load. Temporary Databases are safe though.
*   Creates a view with access to view methods.
*   A view is essentially a stored select statement. When the database changes it is automatically updated.
*   This means many views can be created to look at specific types of data or data that fulfills certain conditions.
*   Using a view will be much faster than using the same select statement many times.
*  getView(string viewName)
*   retrieves a view in a variable giving access to it's methods.
*    NoSuchItem : Thrown if the view doesn't exist.
* Views have the following public methods...
*  select(callback filter(obj))
*   identical to table's but only looking at items in the view.
*  selectKeys(callback filter(obj))
*   identical to table's but only looking at items in the view.
*  getAll()
*   retrieves every item that the view is looking at.
*  makeView(string viewName, callback filter(obj))
*   WARNING: Only create views from views in Temporary Databases. The process to create them utilizes a closure which cannot be recovered on load.
*   creates a new view based on a condition AND what the current view is looking at.
*   Does not throw exceptions, so it can overwrite itself. Be careful of that.
* And that's it. Good luck utilizing MVDB in either your games or in your plugins.

MVDB = {};
    // General Module Components
    var module = {
        exceptions : {
            GlobalSizeLimitReached:function(){throw "GlobalSizeLimitReached";},
            NoSuchItem:function(){throw "NoSuchItem";},
            ModelExists:function(){throw "ModelExists";},
            ModelInvalid:function(){throw "ModelInvalid";},
            ModelMissing:function(){throw "ModelMissing";},
            ModelMismatch:function(){throw "ModelMismatch"},
            ReservedCharacterUsed:function(){throw "ReservedCharacterUsed"}
        /// Performs any neccessary initialization for the module.
            var oldstart = Scene_Map.prototype.start;
            var oldtitlestart = Scene_Title.prototype.start;
            var loadInitialized = false;
            Scene_Title.prototype.start = function(){
                loadInitialized = false;
                return oldtitlestart.apply(this,arguments);
            Scene_Map.prototype.start = function(){
                if($gameSystem._SaveFileMVDB === undefined) $gameSystem._SaveFileMVDB = {};
                /// Cases of loaded data means loss of prototype, so prototype for save DB's must be restored.
                    /// Set each database object to DB
                    for(var i in $gameSystem._SaveFileMVDB){
                        /// Set each table object in each database to Table.
                        for(var t in $gameSystem._SaveFileMVDB[i].tables){
                            /// Restore Missing baseTable References In Each Table
                            $gameSystem._SaveFileMVDB[i].tables[t].baseTable = $gameSystem._SaveFileMVDB[i].tables[t];
                            /// Restore Missing ancestor references in each table.
                            var correctAncestors = [];
                            for(var a in $gameSystem._SaveFileMVDB[i].tables[t].ancestors){
                                var ancestorName = $gameSystem._SaveFileMVDB[i].tables[t].ancestors[a].name;
                            $gameSystem._SaveFileMVDB[i].tables[t].ancestors = correctAncestors;
                            /// Restore Missing descendant references in each table.
                            var correctDescendants = [];
                            for(var d in $gameSystem._SaveFileMVDB[i].tables[t].descendants){
                                var descendantName = $gameSystem._SaveFileMVDB[i].tables[t].descendants[d].name;
                            $gameSystem._SaveFileMVDB[i].tables[t].descendants = correctDescendants;
                            /// Set each view object in each table to View
                            for(var v in $gameSystem._SaveFileMVDB[i].tables[t].views){
                                /// Restore Missing Source References Within Views
                                $gameSystem._SaveFileMVDB[i].tables[t].views[w].source = $gameSystem._SaveFileMVDB[i].tables[t];
                    loadInitialized = true;
                return oldstart.apply(this,arguments);
            MVDB = new MVDBobj();        
    /// MVDB Interface
    function MVDBobj() {
        this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
    MVDBobj.prototype.initialize = function(){
        /// GlobalAPI Interface
        // Communicated with localStorage for very basic transactions.
        // Caches received values and utilizes write-through to optimize for speed.
        function GlobalAPI(){
            this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
        GlobalAPI.prototype.initialize = function(){
            this.globalCache = {};
        // Throws GlobalSizeLimitReached if localStorage cannot hold anymore.
        GlobalAPI.prototype.add = function(key,value){
                this.globalCache[key] = value;
            } catch(e) {
        GlobalAPI.prototype.remove = function(key){
            delete this.globalCache[key];
        // Throws NoSuchItem if the entry doesn't exist.
        GlobalAPI.prototype.get = function(key){
            var val = this.globalCache[key];
            if(val === undefined) val = localStorage.getItem(key)
            if(val === null ) module.exceptions.NoSuchItem();
            return val;
        }; = new GlobalAPI();
        this.temporaryDatabases = {};
    MVDBobj.prototype.newDB = function(DBName,DBLifeSpan){
        if(DBLifeSpan=="Temp") this.temporaryDatabases[DBName] = new DB(DBName);
        if(DBLifeSpan=="Save") $gameSystem._SaveFileMVDB[DBName] = new DB(DBName);        
    MVDBobj.prototype.deleteDB = function(DBName,DBLifeSpan){
        if(DBLifeSpan=="Temp") delete this.temporaryDatabases[DBName];
        if(DBLifeSpan=="Save") delete $gameSystem._SaveFileMVDB[DBName];    
    // Throws NoSuchItem if the database doesn't exist.
    MVDBobj.prototype.getDB = function(DBName,DBLifeSpan){
        var val = {}
        if(DBLifeSpan=="Temp") val = this.temporaryDatabases[DBName];
        if(DBLifeSpan=="Save") val = $gameSystem._SaveFileMVDB[DBName];    
        if(val === undefined) module.exceptions.NoSuchItem();
        return val;
    /// DB Interface
    // Allows the production and management of tables utilizing models.
    function DB(){
        this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
    DB.prototype.initialize = function(DBName){ = DBName;
        this.tables = {};
    // Retrieves a database entry using a global key. Throws NoSuchItem if the item doesn't exist.
    DB.prototype.getItem = function(key){
        if(this.tables[key.tableKey] === undefined) module.exceptions.NoSuchItem();
        return this.tables[key.tableKey].get(key.entryKey);
    // Throws ModelExists if the model name is already in use.
    DB.prototype.makeTable = function(modelName,model,ancestors){
        if(this.tables[modelName] !== undefined) module.exceptions.ModelExists();
        this.tables[modelName] = new Table(this.tables,modelName,model,ancestors);
    // Throws NoSuchItem if the table doesn't exist.
    DB.prototype.getTable = function(modelName){
        var output = this.tables[modelName];
        if(output === undefined) module.exceptions.NoSuchItem();
        return output;
    /// Table Object
    // The main element of the database, this contains the model and allows the
    // production of views as well as ancestor relationships.
    function Table() {
        this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
    // The constructor for table will throw ModelMissing if a provided ancestor does not exist or InvalidModel if anything but a standard object is used.
    Table.prototype.initialize = function(tablesContainer,modelName,model,ancestors){
        /// Make sure that a basic javascript object is being used for the model.
        if(model === undefined || model.constructor === Array || typeof(model) !== "object") module.exceptions.InvalidModel();
        this.views = {};
        this.baseTable = tablesContainer; = modelName;
        this.entries = {};
        this.model = model;    
        this.ancestors = [];                  
        this.descendants = [];                   
        // Ensure that ancestors exist.
        for(var i in ancestors){
            expectedAncestor = tablesContainer[ancestors[i]];
            if(expectedAncestor === undefined){
            } else {
        // Let ancestors know that a descendant object was created.
        for(var j in ancestors){
    // Will throw ReservedCharacterUsed if '%' is in key.
    // Will throw ModelMismatch if the object used doesn't match up with the model.
    Table.prototype.add = function(key,value,_path){
        if(key.includes("%")) module.exceptions.ReservedCharacterUsed();
        if(_path === undefined) _path = "";
        // Compares Model to Object Portion, null if nothing to compare, error if mismatch.
        function CreateMember(NewObjectMember,ModelMember){
            if(NewObjectMember===undefined || NewObjectMember === null) return null;
            if(NewObjectMember.constructor !== ModelMember.constructor) module.exceptions.ModelMismatch();
            return NewObjectMember;
        var newObj = {};
        for(var i in this.model){
            newObj[i] = CreateMember(value[i],this.model[i]);
        for(var j in this.ancestors){
        this.entries[_path+key] = newObj;
        for(var v in this.views){
    // If the entry doesn't exist NoSuchItem will be thrown.
    Table.prototype.remove = function(key,_path){
        if(key.includes("%")) module.exceptions.ReservedCharacterUsed();
        if(_path === undefined) _path = "";
        if(this.entries[_path+key] === undefined) module.exceptions.NoSuchItem();
        for(var i in this.ancestors){
        delete this.entries[_path+key];
        for(var v in this.views){
    // Helper function for get
    Table.prototype._getAncestorObjects = function(key,_path){
        objects = [this.entries[_path+key]];
        for(var i in this.ancestors){
            objects = objects.concat(this.ancestors[i]._getAncestorObjects(key,_path+("%""%")));
        return objects;
    // If the item doesn't exist NoSuchItem will be thrown.
    Table.prototype.get = function(key,_path){
        if(_path === undefined) _path = "";
        if(this.entries[_path+key] === undefined) module.exceptions.NoSuchItem();
        var shards = this._getAncestorObjects(key,_path);
        var output = {};
        for(var i in shards){
            for(var j in shards[i]){
                output[j] = shards[i][j];
        return Object.create(output);
    // If item doesn't exist NoSuchItem will be thrown.
    Table.prototype.getKey = function(key,_path){
        if(_path === undefined) _path = "";
        if(this.entries[_path+key] === undefined) module.exceptions.NoSuchItem();
        return {,entryKey:_path+key};
    Table.prototype.delete = function(){
        for(var i in this.descendants){
        this.views = {};
        for(var key in this.entries){
        delete this.baseTable[];
    }; = function(filterCallback){
        var output = [];
        for(var key in this.entries){
            var val = this.get(key);
                if(filterCallback(val)) output.push(val);
            } catch(e) {}
        return output;
    Table.prototype.selectKeys = function(filterCallback){
        var output = [];
        for(var key in this.entries){
            var val = this.get(key);
                if(filterCallback(val)) output.push({,entryKey:key});
            } catch(e) {}
        return output;
    // If View doesn't exist NoSuchItem will be thrown.
    Table.prototype.getView = function(viewName){
        var output = this.views[viewName];
        if(output === undefined) module.exceptions.NoSuchItem();
        return output;
    Table.prototype.makeView = function(viewName,filterCallback){
        this.views[viewName] = new View(this,viewName,filterCallback);
    /// View Object
    // A view is like a stored select statement. It allows a query-based view onto
    // the database. Views can also be used to make more views.
    function View() {
        this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
    View.prototype.initialize = function(sourceTable,viewName,filterCallback){
        this.source = sourceTable; = viewName;
        this.callBackString = filterCallback.toString();
        this.callBack = filterCallback;
        this.keys = this.source.selectKeys(this.callBack);
    View.prototype.delete = function(){
        delete this.source.views[];
    View.prototype._verifyCallback = function(){
        if(this.callBack === undefined){
    View.prototype._add = function(key){
        var obj = this.source.get(key.entryKey);
        if(this.callBack(obj)) this.keys.push(key);
    View.prototype._remove = function(key){
        for(var i in this.keys){
            var index = -1;
            if(this.keys[i].entryKey == key.entryKey) index = i;
            if(index != -1) this.keys = this.keys.splice(index,1);
    }; = function(filterCallback){
        var output = [];
        for(var i in this.keys){
            var val = this.source.get(this.keys[i].entryKey);
                if(filterCallback(val)) output.push(val);
            } catch(e) {}
        return output;
    View.prototype.selectKeys = function(filterCallback){
        var output = [];
        for(var i in this.keys){
            var val = this.source.get(this.keys[i].entryKey);
                if(filterCallback(val)) output.push({,entryKey:this.keys[i].entryKey});
            } catch(e) {}
        return output;    
    View.prototype.getAll = function(){
        var output = [];
        for(var i in this.keys){
        return output;    
    View.prototype.makeView = function(viewName,filterCallback){
        var baseCallback = this.callBack;
        function newCallback (obj){
            return baseCallback(obj) && filterCallback(obj);
If you encounter any errors tell me how to recreate them and I'll fix them straight away. I've cornered quite a few errors in these early versions but there might still be some left. Please let me know.

I've identified two major bugs.
1. References are not being updated in Save File Databases due to how the unserialization works after loading a game. I have a solution in mind. it will be in version 1.11.

2. Related to 1, views created from views will not work properly in Save File Databases after loading a game. I have a solution in mind. It will be in version 1.11.

2. Due to serializability issues warnings have been placed in both MakeView docs in 1.11. The issues only apply to Save File Lifespan Databases.

Version 1.11 Released, Fixed reference bugs and added warning to documentation to direct correct usage of views. As usual be sure to report any issues as well as how to recreate them.

For some reason the plugin file didn't update properly, utilize the source code directly and not the file. That should be all for now.

Was just looking over it on a whim and noticed I left already resolved TODOs in the source code so I'm just removing them.
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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  1. MVDB 1.11 Internal Database Solution

    11/24/17- Version 1.11 Released, Fixed reference bugs and added warning to documentation to...

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stellar plugin -- an incredibly important tool to have access to. would give six stars if i could!
Thank you very much. I'll be giving MVDB's support extra attention for the next couple of months so if you find any bugs or think of new features be sure to let me know.