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Mazi Raia: The First Destiny 1.0 Complete

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Mazi Raia was my first MV game, so the quality was not meant to be good in terms of visual nor storyline. It was a project for the fun randomness that was created in it.

If you like a good maze game, stealth style movements, and just "getting to the end of the map" then it's prolly a game you'll enjoy a play through of.

I don't plan on working with it anymore since it is a finished games (again, for what it was intended for, everything is done). There's a bonus part at the end of the game that will show all the hidden easter eggs if you found them along the way. I didn't make it difficult in any way.

Anyway, just figured I'd upload the finished version (that was finished long before Tales of the Lumminai started or Ebony Stars, so it doesn't even come close in comparison to their quality lol). But yeah, someone sent me a request that they wanted to play the full version and since I had it finished a long time ago, I will let you guys have fun with it how you will xP. Don't be too harsh on it lol it was just for fun and it's not meant to be serious or anything really, it's random and has some fun parody type comedy in it.

Note: The only part I have ever heard complaints about in this from the testers was the teleport maze. It can definitely become annoying in there if you're not good at remembering where you've touched before (think old skool Pokemon "Psychic Gym Leader" gym. That's how it works.) The only tip I can actually offer in terms of it, is left to start right to end lol.
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3.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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  • Anonymous
  • 3.00 star(s)
  • Version: 1.0 Complete
I've played this game before, its an OK game, its gets a bit boring after a while, but its a good time passer.
Yeah, I didn't work very hard on this one at all lol. Didn't feel it was worth it since it was just pure default stuff and no real motivation behind it.