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Male Tiger Beast Ears Gen Parts

RPG Maker Male Tiger Beast Ears Gen Parts 2016-01-08

No permission to download
Excellent! I really love the stripes~~
Alright I will review this solely on the designsitself,
I think it looked fine, I am sure someone will find
good use to it, just keep improving and I will give you
a 5 star :) Don't give up.
Heh, always good to hear. This one was a very minimal idea. I've since become far better at designing gen parts xP but yeah can always improve!
Yeah, i (and most people) dont have a paid version of mediafire (and im not going to pay for it, so i cant download these files. Not worth.
You can download the mega collection.rar file and all of the gen parts are included in there as well as anything else I've ever created. xP This was something that was brought to my attention after I made these and got rid of the original files for it. But yeah, under "Collaborations" there is a mega collection for all my works and that's one of them.
Please take al the images and folders into a zip or rar file and re-upload it because it is such a waste of time downloading every image one by one
Pretty sure I did that in the tiger pack. I don't remember (as this was long before I figured out how to do that and I've since gotten a new hard drive so no longer have the originals)