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JavaHut's Save Extension (2nd Plugin)

RPG Maker JavaHut's Save Extension (2nd Plugin) 1.03

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Save Extension v1.03

By: JavaHut
Required RMMV Version: 1.3.1+


Download the script here:

Download the demo here:
Note: Do NOT use the plugin file from the demo in your projects, as it may not be the most up to date version.

This plugin provides more advanced features to enhance the basic save and load functions in RMMV.

- Use a screenshot with the save file to enhance the user experience
- Add an autosave feature by using the plugin command on any scene
- Use your game's title or the map display name for the save title
- Change the alignment and display items for the save/load rows
- Add a load menu command to load right from the game menu
- Add warnings on save overwrite, loading from an active game, and exiting without saving
- Allow a web prepend to keep your save data on a browser game unique

-Download the JavaHut_SaveEx.js file and place it in your project's js/plugins folder. Once installed, Add it to the Plugin Manager, and click the Help... button for more info. If you are unsure about a plugin Parameter, double-click the value and read the description.
-For the demo, download the demo file and extract it to your RMMV Games folder, and open the Game.rpgproject file in RMMV.

-If any of the plugin parameters are changed, please delete any save files that exist before running the game to prevent errors. To delete save files in a browser game, while the game is running, press F8 to open the console, click on "Resources" at the top, then click on the down arrow for "Local Storage" on the left side, select the file:// storage and delete all the save data.

Q. Why does the autosave plugin command not work?
A. Make sure the Enable Autosave plugin Parameter is set to true.

Q. Why is the screenshot image of the autosave all black with no picture?
A. If you are fading the screen or doing other types of visual changes when running the autosave plugin command, the screenshot will capture the overall image at that specific time. Be sure to set a wait command if needed before running the autosave command.

-Version 1.03: Added Warning Select Width parameter for custom prompt selector width.
Fixed not being able to override Scene_Prompt and Window_Prompt from other scripts.
-Version 1.02: Added Warning Prompt Width parameter for custom prompt width.
-Version 1.01: Fixed a bug that caused the load warning to display when loading from the main menu.
Fixed a bug that allowed autosave to trigger when loading the autosave file from the main menu.
-Version 1.00: Plugin completed.

-Autosave : Autosave will fail if the map contains an event that has a movement route set to move itself. This is because it contains a reference to itself, which breaks the JsonEx.stringify call in the DataManager.saveGameWithoutRescue method.
FIX: Use the autonomous movement, or another event's movement route to move the event as needed.

Latest RMMV Version Tested

Bug Reporting
Please submit any bugs you find in the plugin to this forum post. And, if you have a suggestion for a plugin feature, feel free to post it here. Thank you for your support, and happy gaming!

-This plugin may be used for commercial or non-commercial use, as long as the script file remains unaltered. Credit to JavaHut is optional.
-JavaHut cannot be held responsible for any damages that may occur from using this plugin in your project. You agree to use this plugin with the acknowledgment that bugs may be present and cause issues within the project that contains it. Thank you for your understanding.

Save1.jpg Save2.jpg
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

Latest reviews

This plugin allows save files to show a screenshot! Just what I needed. :)