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JavaHut's Particles (with CloudKid's pixi-particles) (3rd Plugin)

RPG Maker JavaHut's Particles (with CloudKid's pixi-particles) (3rd Plugin) 1.12

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Particles v1.12 (with CloudKid's pixi-particles)

By: JavaHut
Required RMMV Version: 1.3.1+

Thanks To
The pixi-particles script comes from CloudKid and is licensed under the MIT license. For more information visit their GitHub link:

This plugin allows particle generation within a map. Please refer to the installation and how to guides below to understand how to setup the plugin. There is also a really handy particle editor tool (made by CloudKid) listed below, where you can edit and create new particle data files for your generators.

Download the scripts here:
NOTE: For the pixi-particles.js, you may have to right-click and choose Save Link As...

Download the .json and .png particle files here:

-The installation process for this plugin is a little more complex than your average plugin. After downloading the pixi-particles.js file, place it in your project's js/libs folder. Then edit your project's index.html file, and add this line after the pixi.js script tag:
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/libs/pixi-particles.js"></script>
-Alternatively, you can download the demo below and use its index.html file.
-Extract the file into your project's data folder. Extract the file into your project's img folder. If you choose a different particle data or image folder name, be sure to update the plugin Parameters. If you are confused about the installation process, download the demo below and look through the files and folders.

-Download the JavaHut_Particles.js file and place it in your project's js/plugins folder. Follow the installation instructions above, add the plugin to the Plugin Manager in your project, and click the Help... button for more info. If you are unsure about a plugin Parameter, double-click the value and read the description.
-For the demo, download the demo file and extract it to your RMMV Games folder, and open the Game.rpgproject file in RMMV.

Download the demo here:
Note: Do NOT use the JavaHut_Particles.js plugin file from the demo in your projects, as it may not be the most up to date version.

Particle Editor Tool

- Create particle generators in your maps.
- Connect generators to events using event IDs.
- Generators will follow moving events.
- Turn generators on and off with plugin commands from any event.

-Please be sure to read the installation and FAQ notes carefully to fully understand how the plugin works and what files must be in place in order for it to work. And remember to visit the Particle Editor Tool link above to create or edit your particle generator data files.

Files and Folders
Q. My particle data file is valid, but the particleSet command causes an error, saying the data name is invalid. Why is that?
A. Make sure you are also placing the names of your .json particle data files in the Particle Data plugin Parameter. They need to be pre-loaded before the map starts up.

Q. I get an error saying that the image or data file is not found. What should I do?
A. Check that your particle data and image folders are set up correctly and that the plugin Folder Parameters are set to the correct names. And remember that file and folder names are case sensitive and must be entered exactly as they appear in the project.

Particles and Events
Is it possible to change which event a particle generator follows, even after it's turned on?
A. Yes. Use the particleOn plugin command with the follow argument to adjust the following target. You can use an event's id number, 0 for following the player, -1 for following the mouse, or -2 for following the camera. Omit the follow argument to follow the event that holds the generator.

Q. Why does my particle generator not center on the event?
A. Each particle data file contains spawn coordinates that can adjust where the generator's origin is located. Most of the time you can set the x and y values to 24, which is half of the default tile size in RMMV, in order to center the generator on the event.

Q. Why is the particle generator stuck in the top-left corner of the screen?
A. If you used an invalid event id for the particleOn plugin command, the position of the generator will default to the top-left corner of the screen and not update its position.

Q. Why is it when I set a particle's zOrder to be above the character, the particles display underneath the character?
A. All the generators for a single event can only be in one zOrder location. If you set the first generator to be below on the zOrder, every generator on that same event will have the same zOrder applied. Use multiple events if different zOrders are needed.

I'm having a problem getting the particles to render where I want them to because of other plugins I have that add overlay layers. Is there anything I can do?
A. Use the Below and/or Above Z Value plugin Parameters (or <belowZ> <aboveZ> notetags) to adjust exactly where the layers will render at. Usually, it's the Above Z Value that needs adjustment to get particles to render above certain overlay layers that may be interfering.

Why won't the particle generator turn back on when the player leaves the scene and comes back?
A. Every map that turns on particle generators needs to have a call to the particleSet plugin command at the start of the map scene. This can be done with a parallel event that erases itself afterward. See the demo project for an example.

-Version 1.12: Fixed a bug that prevented encrypted images from loading, and added particleImageLoad and particleImageUnload plugin commands for texture image cache.
-Version 1.11: Fixed an issue that caused emitters to reset when loading the Menu screen, and cleaned up some code for the plugin and Generator class.
-Version 1.10: Reworked the emitter object into a Generator class so that other scripts can create varying generators. The class is accessed through JavaHut.Particles.Generator
-Version 1.04: Added x y width height to particleSet command for spritesheets.
-Version 1.03: Fixed a bug that caused wrong positioning when omitting a value for the particleUpdate position property.
-Version 1.02: Added particleUpdate plugin command to update particle emitter after it is set or turned on. Press the Help... button on the plugin to see the details on how to use the plugin commands.
-Version 1.01: Added -2 for follow argument on particleOn plugin command to allow particle emitters to follow the camera. This is useful for weather effects, where the particles follow the map, but the emitter follows the camera.
-Version 1.00: Plugin completed.

-None at this time

Latest RMMV Version Tested

Bug Reporting
Please submit any bugs you find in the plugin to this forum post. And, if you have a suggestion for a plugin feature, feel free to post it here. Thank you for your support, and happy gaming!

-The pixi-particles script is licensed under the MIT license, which means you can use it for commercial projects, as long as a copy of the license is contained within your project. The license is in the JavaHut_Particles.js file for your convenience, but you can refer to the link below for a copy of the license file:
-This plugin may be used for commercial or non-commercial use, as long as the script file remains unaltered. Credit to JavaHut is optional.
-JavaHut cannot be held responsible for any damages that may occur from using this plugin in your project. You agree to use this plugin with the acknowledgment that bugs may be present and cause issues within the project that contains it. Thank you for your understanding.
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