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"Francelette's Story" (First Demo)

RPG Maker "Francelette's Story" (First Demo) 1.0.0

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This is the first demo of a game a group and I are making with RPG Maker MV. It's Francelette's Story. Here is a summary

"It was just a normal day in the Kindness Planet, until the unthinkable happened. My sister was lured away from me and I almost taught I would never see her again, then a miracle. I saw her 7 years later. Then when I taught it was over, the evil came back and this time, it killed her, but was she more than just my human sister?" (Remake for RPG Maker MV )

Here is a bit more about the game


Three Strike System : If the main heroine, Francelette falls in battle and she is still down after battle, you get a strike. If it happens three times, its 3 strikes and your game is over

Kindness Points and Evil Points: These points will be influencing attack power and plot development throughout the game in different ways

Backstory on Development:

Originally created for RPG Maker VX Ace, (Known at the time as "Francelette's Tales of Kindness") I decided to bring this game to RPG Maker MV so that you can experience the story. Take control of Francelette and Luna as you re-live the time when the Kindness Planet was safe, then ruined by Volt, when Francelette's memories were wiped , then when Luna battled Volt 1 on 1 for a chance at revenge. This is and will be Francelette's Angelic Story

For more information on the game, check out the website

NOTE: The game can be played on a website, but this is a one player game only. Please feel free to contact me with information on anything. Ill be happy to help. Also, please provide me with feedback to see what I can do to get the game to be better

Update for 5/11/16 :

Here is the new update video for today. It covers the demo

Update: 5/12/16

Here are the profile photos for the first three characters of the game

First release
Last update
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