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RPG Maker FlipelyFlip Plugins | Newest: FFP_PictureScaling | Plugin Count: 12

Heyey Folks,

I just wanted to tell you, that I released a little extra plugin for you. It's nothing big, just a little one. It's the FFP_PictureScaling Plugin. With this Plugin you can change the scaling of any visible picture you like. The most interesting feature is the support of JavaScript statements which returns a value. By simply saying $gameVariables.value(id) (id replaced by the ID of the variable you wish to use) you can scale the picture to the stored value at the Variable with the given ID.

That's all for today (:

Hello People,

I just wanted to tell you all, that my newest Plugin, the FFP_CatchEnemies Plugin is released today. With this Plugin, you can catch enemies and train them as your very own actor. It uses the Catch System from Pokemon, but I added the full Catch Formula for you to the Plugins Help to understand it better (:

And since yesterday was the 20th Birthday of Pokemon, I want to congratulate Pokemon and also GameFreak (:

Happy RPG Making
Hello folks,

today I got to announce that I made an update with the FFP_EnemyLevels Plugin. It's now version 1.02 and features a few new features.

The first one is a visual change. I realized it is usefull, when the levels are shown, so I added a prefix and the actual level of the enemy to their names.
The second one is a fix. It fixes the issue from making levels to NaN. This is now fixed.
The last change is this: I added Lunatic Mode for Enemy Levels. Now you can add your own JavaScript Statements to the levels.

I hope you like the new changes.

That's all, happy RPG Making (:
Hello people,

Flipely here, I just wanted to tell you, that there is a new Plugin. It's the FFP_SpecificBattleTarget, which will help you, to fix certain enemies to an actor and/or an enemy. I hope it will help you a lot (:

And for the Plugin-Poll, the winner is:


With this Plugin, you will be able, to create vehicles out of events. I hope you will like it. Well I won't start a new poll for the next week, since I'm planning something great to do.

Stay tuned (:
Hello everyone,

There is a new plugin available. It is the FFP_ExcludedEnemyTraits plugin. You can now add traits from excluded enemies to enemies and actors. I hope you like the new plugin and find it usefull, just as I do. The only problem, it's only usable with FFP_ExcludedEnemies, since it is an add on to this plugin.
I want to say thank you for voting on my first plugin poll, I'm very thankfull for that. And today I can announce the winner from the first plugin poll.
The next plugin will be:


It will be released in 2 weeks from now on monday.
Also there is this new plugin poll, where you can vote for the next plugin to be released. You can vote for one or more plugins from the list. You can find the current Plugin Wishlist and current Plugin Queue here.

The new poll is available here: StrawPoll
You can vote until next monday.

You want to request a plugin or submit a bug? Please visit these 2 pages for that:

Plugin Request Temeplate
Bug Submission Temeplate

I wish you all happy RPG Making (:

here's the first thread update (:
I got a new Plugin for you all, it's the FFP_PokemonExpControl
Now you can give your actors one of the 6 specific exp curves from pokemon.

Also I started my first poll for the next plugin in my plugin queue. You can vote here: StrawPoll
You are able to vote until next monday.

Happy RPG Making (: