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Cronus' MV Generator Add-Ons

RPG Maker Cronus' MV Generator Add-Ons 2015-11-08

No permission to download
This resource was created by Cronus. He has specifically gave me permission to post his resources on this site, as long as I give him credit for the resources.

Hello everyone, how are you?

So, we are all excited with MV, and I'm pretty sure everyone is enjoying the new character generator. But, despite of the generator being very complete and full of cool options, after some minutes you start to notice a certain lack of variety for specific things, like physiognomy types. Having in mind how useful the new generator is (even for prototyping assets), my goal is to provide a some extra parts that will enhance your options when creating new characters.
I plan to keep updating this thread as long as I have time and the willpower to produce new materials.

Please read this thread carefully before downloading and installing the materials, as I can't take responsibility if something goes wrong for you.

Missing Files
A small note beforehand, some of you might know that the generator comes with some default assets that can't be used because they have missing "Variation" files (Male Eyebrows #11 and Male Nose #10). I have included these missing files on my pack. If you already have these files, your system will ask to replace them (that is up to you). If you don't have them, they should be available after you paste the files. chalkdust already created a thread regarding this issue, so if you want to get a bit more info on that go check it out.

Parts available (so far)

Male Faces

Male Noses



Be sure to follow these steps to install your generator parts without issues.

  • Locate the "Generator" folder in your MV directory.
  • Make a backup of the Generator folder by copying it and pasting it somewhere else. This is just a safety measure in case anything goes wrong, or if you want to restore your generator to the default.
  • Download the Add-on and unzip the files.
  • Copy and paste the Add-on folders to your Generator folder. They have the same names, so it shouldn't be hard.
  • Important: if you already have other add-on files installed, doing this process will ask you to replace them. If they are different parts and you want to keep both, you will have to rename the files manually in order for them to work properly.
  • If you have MV open during the process, close it and open it again to apply all the changes.

Terms of Use
Credits are not required to use these assets. You are free to use them on commercial and non-commercial projects.
Redistributing these materials without permission is not allowed, though.
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

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These are really great! I'm sure they'll prove useful in my future projects!
Thank you soo much :D These make it easier to create a lot more characters with it. The default force me to make the same chars over and over again. Thank you for this :3
These Generator additions have become a great asset to the creation of new characters.