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Clown Ghetto

RPG Maker Clown Ghetto 0.0.3 Dev

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[Recomended Age 16+]
It's Base In Progress so sorry for raw style and some error how i hope not appier. This demo it's challenge game so i'm pressed by low time and fear i not got it in time. So sorry if something have been missing and something look bad. But i want to show potencial of game in Story and done part of first chapter from more planned chapters maybe around ten in full game.
I make next demo more official and more done.

Please inform me about problem with rights and etc!
Thanks for Feedback.
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

Latest updates

  1. Better tomorrow for game.

    Added left right lights, added light on street between park and house place, rewrited text...
  2. Bitmap error fix.

    I removed all sfx pdn etc picture files how cause bitmap error from folder so now it's run...
  3. Direct uploaded demo.

    Finally uploaded game on this forum.