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RPG Maker Clark - Hit Rolls 2016-03-20

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This plugin allows one to setup something from pen and paper games:

The 'Success Rate' of an item, attack, or spell is now treated as it's 'Difficulty'. Hit Rate of a character is now its 'To Hit Roll'. Floor Damage Rate is now 'Cast Roll'. It works like this: First, a check is performed against an action's difficulty - say its 20, so a roll of 1d20 would be the difficulty, then either the hit or cast roll is rolled, say its 30, so 1d30 would be rolled. If the hit roll is greater than the difficulty, it connects UNLESS the last roll, the evasion roll ( determined by EVA or MEV ) lets say 1d20 is greater than the hit roll or cast roll in which case the attack or spell will be evaded.
There is only one setting, this is the 'Critroll' - the number set here is the number you roll against to check for a crit.

Say critical rate is 15 and critical evade is 5, and this is set to 100

you would roll 1d15, subtract 1d5, if the result was greater than the roll of 1d100 you would land a critical hit.

Place above yanfly battle core and damage core for popups to work properly.
First release
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