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Beyond The Forest[Contest 4/2019] 2019-05-02

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Not sure where the contest judging stands, was not rating until that was over but it's been a minute so.....

The Good - The shift in genres from traditional RPG to stealth to action and back was good without being obnoxious. Everything felt in character, there were no problems there. Sneaking around did have some bugs (listed in the discussion) but was still fun. The chase sequence was also good to a point (see below).

The Neutral - You play someone who is severely overpowered compared to the opposition. This is not a good or bad thing, as essentially it's a game about Superman. A game about Superman where you punch things is boring as Superman is strong and you either have enemies who don't stand a chance or you obnoxiously make Superman not Superman. A game about Superman where you have to prioritize who you help is interesting as you're writing a game not about being overpowered, but about how no amount of powers can help you with problems that cannot be solved by punching. While I cannot predict where this game is going, it could easily go towards the latter - a game about an overpowered individual acting and reacting to a world where being stronger-faster-more resilient than everyone else is meaningless when it comes to resolving the problems being faced.

The Bad - There are a *lot* of unskippable fights and other unskippable content in the beginning. From hitting New Game to actually being able to control the character is probably a good 15 minutes. And unless I seriously misread what was happening, several of the fights were against the exact same people I had just defeated. Most of them didn't stand a chance either, making it not frustrating, but an exercise in patience and how well I could hit the "Fight - Attack - Enemy A" sequence. (This is more forgivable repeated later during the chase sequence - I think. It's also entirely possible I was just bad at the chase sequence and let the enemy catch up to me several times. As I said, though, even if it's set it's forgivable there as the context of the situation explains why I could potentially defeat someone only to have them ready to go again.)

The Takeaway - It's an interesting premise, a neat way of playing an Overpowered Character, and I'm curious to see where it's headed. Tightening up the opening bit so there aren't so many battles (perhaps just the one rocket launcher to give you the You Are Defeated : Continue bit) would improve things greatly.