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[2015 CCE Silver Medal] A Ball People Winterfest (MAC)

[2015 CCE Silver Medal] A Ball People Winterfest (MAC) 2015-12-20

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This is a small game that was made for multiple reasons.

1. It will give an introduction to the Ball People and their Ball World. What is unique about Ball World melee encounters. Both the attacker and the defender take damage.

2. To show that a small game can be made in less than 24 hours. This was a response to those who said four days left in the CCE competition was not long enough.

3. I love making games and making customized graphics for them.

4. The end game has various possibilities depending on who you face, and what they found...

NOTE: MAC version.

Here is the Village Hall with the first signs of snow.
NOTE: In game, there is some snow falling.

!Village HallSnow1.png

Plugin Credits: eivl, HIme, and zeon.
The Rest: MinisterJay :)
First release
Last update
4.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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The game was simple for someone who doesn't play often. It was fast with a story line and had a different look and feel because of the ball shaped world. The combat was fast but I couldn't tell how many feathers I actually had. (Yes I died once too, but I don't play many games in my defense) It made me consider other possibilities for using this software and it made me smile.

I liked that all items equipped themselves. I thought it was creative and made me think of my son when he was little and would take balls to bed, use them like little people and talk to them.
I appreciate the review. This game was made for the [CCE] contest on this forum and won the Silver Medal. It was purposely made in 'Tru 2D,' and it was an introduction to the Ball World and Ball People. I appreciate your constructive critiquing.