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  • My Music Player and Playlist Builder events are progressing at a decent pace now, though I did suffer a setback, I still might finish the whole thing before the end of the month.
    Today I procrastinated. I started updating my old maps from my abandoned project to my new standard form compatible with the Portal Gun. I'm supposed to be working on my other casino games.
    Overall update for all player controlled slot machines. Instead of using the keys 1-5 to "pull the levers" for each slot, player can now click the slots to cast them, slots can still be cast in any order you wish. I think this may be better. Anyone like the other way better?
    1 custom RPG style slot machine has morphed into 2 sets of 4 similar machines.

    3 Slots - Player Controlled
    4 slots - Player Controlled
    5 slots - Player Controlled
    All in 1- Player Controlled
    3 Slots - Completely Random
    4 slots - Completely Random
    5 slots - Completely Random
    All in 1- Completely Random
    • Like
    Reactions: Starbird
    All eventing. Zero plugins except a keymapper that I made.
    Both 5 slots and both All in 1s are done. the 3 and 4 slots will be done within a a few days
    Finished the last 4 machines and the random ones weren't working. the code seemed fine, I kept thinking it was the randomizer. 4 hours later I finally found the problem...the randomizer! on the plus side, everything now works and only needs finishing touches.
    Custom made badass slot machine is almost ready. Uses 6 icons, 5 slots, prizes for 3x, 4x and 5x. As always zero plugins used. (except for a custom made key mapper.) I eliminated any way to cheat by assigning keys 1-5 for each slot. pressing more than one will warn you, doing it again forfeits the bet. slots scroll together at first and speed up as you go. the higher value icon have smaller hit-boxes
    1 custom RPG style slot machine has morphed into 2 sets of 4 similar machines.
    3 Slots - Player Controlled
    4 slots - Player Controlled
    5 slots - Player Controlled
    All in 1- Player Controlled
    3 Slots - Completely Random
    4 slots - Completely Random
    5 slots - Completely Random
    All in 1- Completely Random
    No plugins installed at all, except my homemade key mapper.
    I finally finished building and playtesting my portal gun mechanics!! Allows player to click to cast both entrance and exit portals. exit "instantly" becomes an entrance. portals transport player within the map or across maps, will not allow payer to become stuck, portal placement is saved forever until portals are dispelled or recast elsewhere. no plugins used. BOOM!
    • Like
    Reactions: Starbird
    Thank you! I am so relieved!. I've been trying to get this working as envisioned for years.
    You should upload it to the resources for others :D This sounds amazing, or if you'd like to be rewarded for your hard work, feel free to sell it as well!
    I am willing to provide some pointers to any who need it. its a bit large to put up. it spans across 2 events per map, 8 common events (might be able to reduce that to seven), 9 variables and 8 switches that are entirely devoted to this, plus a few more.
    As of today 557 total hours on MV according to Steam. Of course that's just online. Probably have more than that offline.
    impressive Amy. are you usually online with steam? most of my time spent on MV is offline. my mobile data is pretty limited and my laptop gobbles it up.
    Usually I am, but every now and then I stay offline to avoid getting a bunch of messages. And oh gosh, I'm not always actively using it, hehe. Sometimes I've had it open for days before without realizing it, lol!
    Who knows how to use the "show choice" script call? how and where do you enter the outcome of each choice?
    Does anyone here have experience emulating side-scrolling mechanics without plugins?
    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    I don't think it would be possible. You could use JS snippets in the events instead of plugins but I'd say a plugin would be required for a solid platform mechanic.
    I'm trying to set a password on the players PC/Item storage system that I am creating. A numerical password would be easy, and unrealistic.
    Messing with the software; I don't know where to begin.
    I'm making a game but taking my time to learn the software. I've made a lot of progress so far but there is so much to learn.
    My game has so far about 60 maps and a bunch of events, but no NPCs or storyline. I want to finish all my maps and refine my story before I start writing it in.
    That does sound like a smart idea, let me know if you need any assistance ;)
    So I'm brand new at making RPGs. Just bought MV and am teaching myself the ropes. I hope to meet people here to learn from! -CynicSyndrome
    There are a lot of resources and tutorials on this forum. There is a diversity of skilled members too. If you do not find an answer, find the appropriate category and ask away.
    You can ask anything in MV Support, i would be glad to help you with anything ;)
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