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  • YAY back seat is finally usable again.. took over a year to get around to moving my subwoofer into the trunk and out of my backseat haha
    Thinking about creating a remake of a pet game similar to Digimon battle pets like the keychain thing we had as kids in GM:Studio Master
    finally loaded ALL pre order dlc into my project..feeling overwhelmed again haha
    Update yanflys plugins!
    :( 4 days later and MV already cracked , why cant ppl actually support these companies that work hard instead of looking for a damn hand out
    Status Gear Entertainment
    Status Gear Entertainment
    That was quick. It's because the software itself was $70 (atleast the preoder was). Not something your average RPG Maker user can afford.
    Ahh.. piracy.. well.. steam summer sale soon... soonish... ;) they can wait until then if they can not afford. Actually that is how i got VX Ace a few years ago.
    yeah @Eivle I ended up getting GM:Pro for like 12 bucks which is like $499 regularly on a random Steam Sale.. same with Ace too
    i think i prefer vx ace tbh
    • Like
    Reactions: LTN Games
    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    Yea no shit eh, Ace should have just been upgraded lol. I like the map layering in MV though, you just got to get the hang of it I think.
    I think they really should've just waited for a December release. A lot of parts just don't feel finished.
    yeah, I'm really just not liking the whole mapping system i dont like how the auto tiling messes the whole backdrop up when say making a house next to a cliff sideand etc if they dont do something about it , i m sure ALOT of ppl will go back to ace or everyones gonna learn to make maps with tiled or photoshop
    Hmmm I got a idea for Halloween contest!!! But can I stay off the forums long enough to complete in time bwahaha
    Geez my JS is so rusty , along with MVs call functions getting error after error.. Shoot me now..but I will prevail !!
    Release day rapidly approaching! Cant wait to get off work tomorrow hopefully to come home and try out the new RpgMaker...
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