I’m a 29-year-old author and writer from the Atlanta, Georgia area. I grew up all over northeastern Ohio and Greenville/Spartanburg, South Carolina. I’m a mom of three and I’ve known the tragedy and grief of losing a child, unfortunately. I’m married to an amazingly supportive man who not only stuck with me during all the hard times but is currently working his butt off to allow me to be a stay at home mom for our youngest daughter.
I’ve been writing since I was a teenager. Mainly, I’ve always written poetry. After my daughter died in 2012, I started writing a book titled Starr Sinclair. It had some similarities of the story I’m writing now, but I changed the direction and story so much and decided to scrap it. At the beginning of September 2015, I started working on Birthright. In a little over one week, I have written the first three chapters of the book. My goal is to have it finished, at least, the manuscript, by the end of this year; if not sooner. Though, I put it on the back burner to work on my new book series, Immortal Demons.
Aside from writing, I dabble around in the graphic and Web design niche. I’ve been creating graphics and websites since the age of twelve or thirteen. It’s not really a hobby but more of a passion to me. I have a few active projects that I’m continually improving on.
I’m also a gamer. Or, at least, I use to be. Since 2007, I’ve been playing World of Warcraft (WOW) off and on. It’s the main game that I play when I do play games. I also enjoy Rachet and Clank, Need for Speed, Guitar Hero, God of War, The Sims, Sim City, Age of Empires, Empire Earth, and several other games. However, that being said, you’ll likely find me playing WOW. I even introduced my husband to the game over a year ago and he plays more than I do.
~ The best things in life are things that money can't buy .>.<. :D
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