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  • I really need help, My character keeps turning invisible for no reason at all :( after i transfer maps and switch party members
    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    You should make a support question in MV Support with screenshot of event, it will be easier to help you out there.
    I figured out what was wrong finally. thanks tho, next time thats what i"ll do
    Okay.. so bindpicturetomap is only showing me a small portion of my "Map Picture" seems to only work in small maps. any ideas guys?!!
    Thinking of Making Taller Characters but Gimp.. aint working out too well lol
    I use GIMP for all my image creations. The scale function is not working for you? Are you trying to go taller than 64 pixels?
    I was just goin 33pix tall.. but I'm also trying to map edit but it keeps changing the size on me when I resize my image. it won't stay where i put it
    well my pc keeps telling me some one is trying to hack my account on :/
    Reset your password via a device you do not normally access on (to ensure no keyloggers) and do a virus scan
    i will man good idea.. i already did the virus scan, so im good on that front.
    Suddenly when I got to test a battle I get a msg. TYPE ERROR undefined is not a function. WTF is going on I've turned off plugins to check.
    Welp, Blackened Souls is being switched to random battles spaced right, ( traditional rpg style ), because of the lack of monster sprites.
    Just wanted to say, if anyone needs tips on how to write events to do specific complicated scenes, I can easily help. Just sayin. lol
    Help me make an evented battle system with script calls then xD
    well I don't write coded script, but are you trying to make like an action battle system? A few years ago I did some work with one on a Zelda style game, but I'm no expert on that. I meant for scenes in a game, or puzzles. but I can certainly look into it and help yah out
    No, RM isn't great for ABS. It would be turn-by-turn. All evented, bar stat checks. Pulling your leg tho :)
    Everyone who can, check out the DEMO of Blackened Souls, if you like FF type games, you'll love this. :)
    Tried again. mediafire is not friendly to me. :(
    What do you use to compress, cause I can't seem to find a way to zip it and it let me upload to this site.. i'm so lost. lol and that sucks cause i'd love for you to see it.
    Blackened Souls creation is moving right along my friends!! I'm currently uploading a smaller sized DEMO to mediafire, so I'll post a link!
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