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Ravani Lestari
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  • Disgaia is awesome btw. Just saw your avatar in the picture thread. Been locked on 5 since it came out :o
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    Reactions: Ravani Lestari
    I'm planning some very diabolical encounters in my game. I really want to player to feel that the game is not linear. Want them to, based on the decisions, meet coniditions that could unveil some of the strongest enemies in the game at any given time
    Ravani Lestari
    Ravani Lestari
    In my game, though the story might be linear, what the player can do to take a break from the story is explore dungeons, do affinity quests for new skills, fight strong monsters for parts to craft equipment (like monster hunter), etc.
    Ravani Lestari
    Ravani Lestari
    There are also crafting quests I am working on where you need to craft a certain amount of items to turn in to get a new crafting manual for better gem crafting to apply to your weapons and armor.
    TFW you think about your game at work all day but you work too hard so when you get home, you are too tired to work on it.
    Boyfriend kicking my butt on Smash Brothers. :(
    Or Mr Game and Watch for the lulz
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    Reactions: Akod
    @Macro Oh, that's a good one. I hate fighting against G&W, such a troll character.
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    Reactions: Macro
    Yeah, I used to make [a close friend of mine] mad because I would spam his little S(ausage) attack spam. Was so hilarious! xD
    For 2016, I'll be focusing on releasing the demo of the project I'm working on, in hopes that I can gather a team to help complete the game.
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