Indie Dev

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  • To parallax map or not to parallax map...I feel like it gives more control in some ways but limits in other ways.
    With the right setup I'd say parallax mapping would be the best. As long as you have the right setup it really doesn't limit in any way I can think of except for not using the Map Editor of MV (which is still pretty limited). ☺
    Wow it's been a while since I last came on here! I got distracted in a big way, but I'm back! (and busy working on my autotiles)
    Got most of the spells in order for my Elemancer and Priestess...still tweaking things though, math is a pain!
    Got some new tiles about how I want them, it's starting to look like the Hoh Rainforest on my map! :D
    Oh, man it's been awhile! I finally got to working on my first project, and the past two weeks has been a blast! I've gotten so much done!
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