Indie Dev

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  • Do y'all like puzzles / clues that are slightly challenging or more on how well the puzzle is utilized regardless or difficulty?
    The game is going towards a mystery/fantasy feel and I don't mind. ;p
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    Reactions: Juneberry and Lore
    It's always exciting when a story suddenly changes the feel from what you planned. Especially when the new feel feels so much better than the original plan. (which happens to me a lot xD)
    Posted a base map for a small village? im doing. I suck at cliffs or something but I'm going to keep seeing what layout I want...
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    Reactions: Lore and Cunechan
    THat's how I do it. I make a simple map in RPG maker, then I'll recreate it as a parallax map. :)
    Currently on RMWeb (@Tea) and RMMV (here)! I like meeting new people ^^
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    Reactions: Cunechan
    Welcome to the friendliest RPG Maker MV forum. I do not go to that other one much anymore. Too many company staff members....Too much favoritism.
    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    I still browse RMWeb but not much for participating. The scripting section is fairly decent though, a lot of the nicer folk hang around there lol. Anyway welcome to our community, we have a lot of rockstars here.
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