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Lark Monster
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  • Trying to work on my Draw System now that I have a better understanding of things. I hope I can make it work!
    Oh noooo. I did a thing and now I'm not sure how to undo it but no idea where to search to find
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    Reactions: Troctzul
    Lark Monster
    Lark Monster
    My characters are escaping to a map and then they disappear. Not sure if this is from a plugin or not. I have been experimenting with too many things! lol
    When you transfer to a new map, all events on the old map are erased for the events on the new scene. Be sure there isn't something that is causing the characters to disappear on the new map or on the event that transfers them out.
    Lark Monster
    Lark Monster
    Thank you! I just found it, had an event that would make them disappear that I forgot about when I was experimenting, doh. :) All fixed now!
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