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  • Is hating the fact that Javascript while it makes perfect sense to read , is about as hard for me to write as RGSS3 was...
    By the end of ACE , was almost able to write it , had done a very simple script that almost worked ..took years for me to get there.I just hope that it does not take that long for JS
    Everyone seems to think that JS is much easier, so I'm hoping that's the case as well.
    it does seem easier , the issue i am having is just my own normal issues i have with languages . but over all JS ,i think is going to be better for the RM engine than Ruby ever was
    just one more day then all the family stuff will be done with and i can get back to work on my games ,lol is it bad that i cant wait ?
    is bashing his head against the keyboard ...why must i always plan strange mechnics in games ????
    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    lol I do that all the time, spend days on one thing.
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    Reactions: James
    same , but normally its things like mapping ( which i i am horrible at ) and or character backstory , or quests .its not normally evented skills ,lol
    game mechanics are the most important aspect of any game...
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    Reactions: James
    is planing his Christmas Contest entry titled "Holiday Crimes" or some such , title isnt solid yet ,lol
    Has decided that his first MV game ,w ill be ...a revamp of his Medabot fan game...stick with what you know right?
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