Indie Dev

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What can I tell about me, that I haven't already stated in my Introductionpost. (I don't want to sound repetitive xD)
I think I'll try a little different aproach here. I will try to upload a few of my works here, including pictures I've drawn, storybits of my project (meaning mostly lore and other sideinfo), so you guys can get a pretty good picture of what I'm able to do. I will try to update this once in a while when I get new things finished and I'll try to keep my stuff ( at least the stuff I don't mind being used from others) as adaptable as possible. Just for you to know: Not everything I showcase here is free to use, since some of the work is being used in my own project and I don't want someone to copy that into their projects... I hope you don't mind(slanty) I will label those, so you will know what I mean when you see it.

Other than that I could give you some basic info about myself( I already said most of that in my Introduction):

I am a 24 year old father who has but one big dream in life. I want to be a real writer. Ever since I was a child I loved stories. Tales of adventure and heroism, of saving the world and what not! I live and breathe for them and I dream of sharing that love with as many people as possible. Since books are slowly growing out of trend, as people don't read that much anymore, I want to bring them back and to do that I want to write stories that everyone loves and enjoys reading.
According to that love for stories I was bound to get into gaming and I sure fell for RPGs as they are basically interactive books with graphical content! That's why I decided to make a RPG Game around the book I'm trying to write right now. The goal would be to reach out to even more people and maybe even to get them to read the book and ultimately keep up the reading thus getting more people to read again. And that's the reason I ended up here :D
Well, I think that wraps up most of me. Be sure to check out the Spoilers I'll put here from time to time, as I will sample some of my work in them, but I said that already didn't I? ;P I wish you nothing but success in all of your projects and I hope to see you around!


Oh yeah, I need to tell you one more thing. I will try to upload some of the lore I've written for my project, I know I said that already, but there is one thing you need to know about that: I am not native english. I come from germany and thus I write all my stuff in german. I will try to translate it to the best of my abilites, but (and this is what I really want you to know) consider that english is not my first language and so it could be, that the stuff I write is a little bit flat...

Pictures I've drawn:
A little pencil drawing of a scenery I made. Sorry for bad quality..

This is the worldmap I drew for my project. Not for free use!

I already posted this firegolem in my Introduction.

This skull was also already posted.

This slime/pudding was also already shown.

This is my attempt to draw a little scenery with Geralt from "The Witcher 3" I used reference photos but the picture is my personal take on it and is based upon the pencil picture I showed you above. This is so, because someone requested it to be that way. Sadly, the request got cancelled and I never got to finish the work, but I had some free time recently and I gadly finished the picture just for you guys! Hope you like it. Notice, that the picture doesn't seem quite "perfect" as there are still unfinished outlines and some blank spaces between the colors. That's intended, it makes the picture look like a rough sketch and I like that look somehow xD I'll give you the finished and the pencil sketch so you can see the difference. (ignore the flying Gryphon, that was just a doodle)

This is another scenery. It is based upon the novel "the city of dreaming books" by Walter Moers. All the creatures shown are featured in that book and before I do anything else I must recommend this author to you. His creature design is absolutely fantastic! If you are in need of interesting characters, need inspiration for your monsters or even if you just want a good book to read, go get his books (there are even pictures in them)! He is truly awesome! Anyway here is my take upon the "city of dreaming books":

Written Stuff
This is a part of the lore from my project "The rise of the cursed Kingdom" (Note: the Jøkùlden are basically humans, but much stronger and taller. They behave like ancient nordic vikings so maybe you could call them that, but I will explain that in a later post.) Not for free use.

"Story of the continent Firn - or how the first Jøkùlden walked on the world

An ancient legend, almost completely forgotten today, tells that on the snowy lands of the continent Firn once lived giants, way back when elves still walked the surface of our world. According to this legend an elf fell in love with a beautiful giantess. The fruit of their love was neither elf nor giant, but belonged to a new born race: the Jøkùlden.

Another legend tells that the Jøkùlden landed with a ship on the north cap of Firn.

Which one of them is true, is to be left to ones liking, since neither legend can be proved or disproved, but one thing is for sure: the dawn of the Jøkùlden race, began in the icy tundras of Firn, thousands of years ago.

Ancient cavepaintings, aproximately 4000 years old, show that the first Jøkùlden must've been very barbaric and simple. Historians found out that social connections and big gatherings into tribes were rather rare, because people were very solitary and saw their fellow Jøkùlden more as enemys than friends.
But the harsh climate and the many dangers that the continent held for them, forced those lone wolfs to form groups over time. While that gave the people many advantages, one of the biggest surely was safety,
it also brought daily conflicts between them with it. To save the tribe from total exctinction, there needed to be a hierarchy, a system of justice and excecutors of said system. The people achieved this by electing the strongest of them, be it man of woman, to be their leader. The newly elected chief chose two adjutants who would be his excecutors to keep the tribe in order. This form of tribe was soon adapted on all Firn and after that small fortified villages were built all over the continent, because even though the Jøkùlden seemed to have developed a social awareness, they were still very militant towards other tribes. They saw them as potential victims for raids and as enemys.
It was a dark age, dominated by bloodshed, plundering, murder, war and other atrocities. It would last several hundred years before a change. That change was soon to come, because into those dark times a special child was born. A child destined to combine all tribes and form a kingdom that would last for millenia to come! This child is the legendary first queen of Firn. Vølnir, the strong.

(Sidenote: I came up with a language for the Jøkùlden. And that name actually has a meaning in said language: Children of ice. The same goes for Vølnir, this name means:"bearlike" or if you like "ursine".)
Feb 6, 1991 (Age: 34)
Dev Skill


"It seems that perfection is attained not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to remove."
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


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