A little pencil drawing of a scenery I made. Sorry for bad quality..
This is the worldmap I drew for my project.
Not for free use!
I already posted this firegolem in my Introduction.
This skull was also already posted.
This slime/pudding was also already shown.
This is my attempt to draw a little scenery with Geralt from "The Witcher 3" I used reference photos but the picture is my personal take on it and is based upon the pencil picture I showed you above. This is so, because someone requested it to be that way. Sadly, the request got cancelled and I never got to finish the work, but I had some free time recently and I gadly finished the picture just for you guys! Hope you like it. Notice, that the picture doesn't seem quite "perfect" as there are still unfinished outlines and some blank spaces between the colors. That's intended, it makes the picture look like a rough sketch and I like that look somehow xD I'll give you the finished and the pencil sketch so you can see the difference. (ignore the flying Gryphon, that was just a doodle)
This is another scenery. It is based upon the novel "the city of dreaming books" by Walter Moers. All the creatures shown are featured in that book and before I do anything else I must recommend this author to you. His creature design is absolutely fantastic! If you are in need of interesting characters, need inspiration for your monsters or even if you just want a good book to read, go get his books (there are even pictures in them)! He is truly awesome! Anyway here is my take upon the "city of dreaming books":