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  • I'm not dead, I swear! I've just been working mainly on that title I mentioned using base & free-to-use RMMV assets. More info soon.
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    Reactions: Lore
    Congratulations! You exist! You gain 10 existence points.
    Also, creating both an RPG for MV with default/DLC assets while I work on The Factory for VXA. Gonna do two projects at once.
    Gushing over the remakes of old RM2k3 songs for MV. Cybercity is my favorite, just listen to those epic trumpets!
    Just got some tips on how to make pixel art a while ago, now making some sweet art for my game that doesn't look like TRESH. c:
    Working on an RPG about robots for VX Ace. I'm trying to get a handle for making music and pixelart graphics, so robots seemed easy.
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