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David Lister
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  • How does one measure the contribution of an individual to a community? Quantity? Quality? Both? And by what set of metrics?
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    Reactions: Seriel
    In a community, each may have a different purpose, and there are different personalities. Sometimes a member may have a one hit wonder, and it greatly benefits the whole. A person could also be blowing the most amount of leaves off of the grass, doing the most work, yet be blowing them all in the street causing havoc.
    Contributions can also be looked in other areas: Have they attempted to offer support to other members? Do they not only contribute, but Review others, and accept other's critiques? Do they give positive motivation to new and old members alike? Many factors, many. :)
    "I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of is changing is oneself." -- Aldous Huxley
    "If you can live without music for two or three days, then don't write – it might be better to spend the time with a girl or with a beer."
    "There are 7 billion people on the planet. I am 100% sure that no matter what you do, there is an audience for it." - Mike Verta (composer)
    David Lister
    David Lister
    ...and just to finish the quote...

    "We're all connected now. Go find them! Look for who likes what you do and go there. There's no point in trying to sell to people who inherently don't want to buy what you're offering when there's a whole world of people that do." -- Mike Verta (Film Composer)
    Iron Croc
    Iron Croc
    Beautifully said. :)
    "I was never more certain of how far away I was from my goal than when I was standing right beside it." -- Vincent (Gattaca)
    Dude! It's good to see you here! :D I can't wait to see what you bring to this place. :)
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    Reactions: David Lister
    David Lister
    David Lister
    I'll try to take a break from the studio grind and contribute from time to time. I really like the layout and functionality of this forum. Most of the folks seem to be rather nice here as well.
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