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  • I've been proving the new RPG Smile Game Builder Demo. It's so cool that I started creating little resource pack for MV :)
    WoW, back again in RPG MAKER MV's world, the page looks so cool :) I have already updated the plugins I've downloaded...
    @Dad3353 ok done, now choose language before title screen... the problem is that when it goes to the map that works as title screen
    the sequence doesn't stop and keeps on
    Hey I have a little ilumination bug and I'm pretty bussy translating every dialog and message to all 5 languajes the game has.
    progressing with the languages in the game, creating a little language selection and it's repercussions in the game
    Starting a new project but needing a little help with my characters' sprites XD
    • Like
    Reactions: MinisterJay
    What kind of help?
    Creating sprites for some special situations like spleeping, transformations, I created a thread about it and the only one who replied gave me 2 programs for picture edition, but I'm pretty bad editing XD
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