Indie Dev

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  • Decided to try voice-acting just because I'm stuck as to what to do game-play wise... it has just reminded me how much I hate my voice... :(
    Whelp, Only JUST realized that if I use a 48x48 grid in Photoshop... I can just build my own maps in Photoshop... >.< FREEDOM!
    Yes, Indeed it is. I personally use GIMP.
    Well I've always used Photoshop because my dad has a license because we use it for Photography... so I just use what I have as I know its a good enough software and an alternative.
    Entering my first competition on the forum... so excited (and terrified because you're all so good at this!)
    • Like
    Reactions: MinisterJay
    AND, there are more contests coming.
    Indeed there are... and I do intend to try and be more active and helpful here, pay this place back for all the help :)
    Feel SO bad, had to update my resource because i dint check it beforehand and i don't even know if i have updated it well enough/right... :(
    Planning a game is harder and more in-depth than you think... What have I gotten myself into aha XD
    Bach home from hospital... dislocated my kneecap, now got crutches and zero independence... ugh...
    Sounds Painful!
    Making this whole project a little too hard for myself... Oh well, the hard work and dedication will show at the end of it all ...I hope
    It sure will! Keep at it, buddy!
    Just implemented the time system that I wanted! All is going well at the moment! Even if I don't always work on it and it takes a long time. It should be worth it!
    Working Hard on My Game Demo, BEFORE I CREATE THE ACTUAL GAME! Well, I guess It's not really a DEMO, just a tiny Snippet of the game...
    Good Luck
    Thanks! Not sure how long to make it though, or how much to include for that matter... Cause All I have now is 1 town and 1 complete-able quest which isn't even plot related, of course I have my inn systems and banking things implemented but not even sure on where to go from there... and this is only the start of the actual game too! Or perhaps I should just make a Trailer type thing instead... OH THE OPTIONS....
    Trailer is a marketing-based solution to increase sales, It is better to put out after you got legitimate reviews from critics(request it)
    , why? well because you can put their review in your trailer, it gives a sense of priority and help boost confidence from gamer to developer.

    And game demo should not exceed 30% of the gameplay :)
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