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Alcha Emy
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  • Hey it been a year now since you last here, but Happy Birthday.
    Profile posts are only see if one logins, but if the member has email set for notifications, they will be notified of conversations.
    Ah Valentines day! Birds are freezing, bees are deadm abd many many bombs exploding! :3 Who's your valentine?
    like I take your character looks and put them in my game
    or unless you want you irl you in the game ?
    I make own art and put it in the birthday bash challenge it a small game, only 15 minute long ;( becausei like you character concepts I want in my game. but I give you character concept credit .
    Alcha Emy
    Alcha Emy
    Hmmm allright I can't deny a fan my awesomeness I suppose! Just do make sure to let em know who's awesomeness it really is alright? ^_~
    thank you;)
    Meeeh Dwarves are soooo grumpy. At least in my world they are >.<
    Just give em a pint or two of mead and they'll get over it. =)
    And shiny stuff, like gems or gold. I'm sure they'd just love an alchemist that can make gold for then.
    Greetings, my mortal friend. Thank you for adding me to your "Following" list. I believe this constitutes the beginning of a wonderful friendship!
    Alcha Emy
    Alcha Emy
    You betcha! Your so pretty that someone needs to make a painting of you, and then sell it for bookoo bucks!
    Anabel: U-um h-h-hello. A-Alcha told me to t-tell you all she's...w-working hard on her game...a-and,,,*feints*
    Aww poor Anabel what's wrong? Stay strong!
    Alcha Emy
    Alcha Emy
    She's kind of afraid of everything, including public speaking XD
    So new years eh? My resolution is to TRY ( emphasis on try ) to cause less messes for Norman~ What's yours?!
    Finally learn how to play the freaking piano. That would be such a great thing to be able to do for a composer, y'know. :D
    Alcha Emy
    Alcha Emy
    Norman can play a mean piano! He tried to teach me once...I accidently blew it up. :3
    Hey there ya awesome people! How was your Christmas? Mine was awesome but I'm sure you knew that~
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    It was alright.
    Hello there AAE (awesome alcha emy) my holiday was good but today is tough!
    Alcha Emy
    Alcha Emy
    Great to hear guys! ( Love the abbreviation by the way >o < )
    Christmas is fast approaching! I got Norman and Anny some awesome gifts! Did you guys get all your shopping done?
    My eldest daughter is a cashier at Target. It is another crazy retail shopping year, especially with the cheaper vehicle fuel cost.
    Alcha Emy
    Alcha Emy
    Hehe, poor girl must be exhausted. Props to her for taking on a difficult job this time of year! Merry Christmas to you and your fam!
    More people are shopping online so retail is a bit less frantic now. I feel her pain though!
    Norman is on break so it's time for me to make the biggest mes I can! After all, my being mesy just shows how much I love having him around!
    I'm the greatest alchemist in the world!
    Alcha Emy
    Alcha Emy
    Ohhh a fellow Alchemist eh?! You'll have to show me your woek sometime!
    Yea my friends tease me and call me "flower picker" because I'm always grabbing random plant ingredients for my recipes. >_<
    Alcha Emy
    Alcha Emy
    Wear that name with pride! Only the true alchemists will randomly grab plants, ESPECIALLY the ones we have no idea what they can be used for before we get em. It takes a special kind of awesome to do what we do. *Puts on sunglasses and strikes a cool pose*
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