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RPG Maker Contest - One Day Left


Staff member
Resource Team
Alright guys, anybody still interested or not? If no, I'll cancel this (or declare MinisterJay as all 3 winners unless someone else has submitted a game)


Staff member
Heeeloo, not so fast ! I know website was down, but last info was : if no other submit, contest will be extended by one week.
Lets just follow rules :)
Do you really want us to follow the rules. If we did, then I won. The rules are the first page. There was an exception to the rules posted on the last day. When that exception was posted, there were no game submissions, because mine had been deleted. After it was posted, I submitted my two versions, before the deadline.

What you want is for an exception to the rules to occur.

Alright guys, anybody still interested or not? If no, I'll cancel this (or declare MinisterJay as all 3 winners unless someone else has submitted a game)
Just answer TheUnproPro's question; Dad3353 did. :) The website being down should have helped those not finished to be closer.


Staff member
Resource Team
In that case, please post progress updates until then. After 4 days, that's it, sorry but I'm finishing it then.


Towns Guard
Here it's a screenshots of game right now, 14.11.2016 0:04.



Resident Dragon
This is looking quite good from what I've seen :)

@TheUnproPro, what would be the (local) date for the end of the contest? (I only ask because the first post hasn't been updated yet XD)


Praised Adventurer
Here's my latest upload, but have found a 'glitch', so it will be updated (maybe later tonight..?). Meanwhile, feel free to potter about in there; it'll get you into practise..! The Game is complete, by the way; I just have to find this blasted 'glitch'...

One Day Left ...
