Can we pretend it was even though it wasn't?
Truthfully, and I'm going to be vague about it because I wouldn't want to upset members from RMW who had nothing to do with it, a while back me and RMwebs had a disagreement on a pretty large scale, several of my collective were banned from RMW for being allied under the Crazy Chimp Collective, seeing us as a conspiracy and word for word stating what we did was 'a conspiracy to attack the site' or some palooka.
Never one to take things to heart, and ever an opportunist, I concepted the idea of Corporation XVI, and we liked it enough that several members of the XVI are now cloaked optional bosses in our games going by different titles, we also each have a number, and mine is 12. The Number is completely irrelevant to the prominence or profile in the Collective, and is instead typically based on completely irrelevant but funny shenanigans.
Since then we've actually adopted Corporation XVI as the working class within the company, 'they who do shit' to quote myself on skype. Where as the Collective is a culmination of the XVI and the people who are rad enough to hang out with us.