By all means, don't :D@Rise Evil: Thanks - I don't know if I'll be able to pick a favorite c:
That's really cute and... I dunno it looks... dangerously close to a certain somebody I know. :O@Rise Evil: True true, it’s not necessary :D
@Trumully: Huzzah! Thanks, and happy arting!
@sage: Thanks - the first two sets of characters are the newest ones c:
@Tsukihime: Hmm… The irises are pretty large, so that might be it! Thanks! :)
Here’s a drawing I just finished for Kotori!
I love your work, they're all extremely adorkable!
Yea Amy if you ever make avatars again you should make me one. I would totally send a pic for this lol.Yay! Amy's art is brilliant!
Thanks for my avatar <3
OMG!! This makes me very excited. I will send a pm right away.@LTN Games: I'm still taking requests, so feel free to shoot me a message sometime :D
Well, I might gonna ask you a request soon as possible.@Xyphien: Thanks! I'll definitely give it a shot :)
@Biz: Ha! I hadn't even noticed the resemblance to that! XD
@Jackus: You're very welcome - glad you like it! c:
@LTN Games: I'm still taking requests, so feel free to shoot me a message sometime :D